Using CGProf
Using CGProf is identical to using any of the provided Etch tools; to use it, first select the application you wish to profile, then select the CGprof tool by clicking on "Call Graph Profile" in the Visual Etch "Action" window. (There are two Call Graph Profile tools listed, one using cycle counts and one using instruction counts; see the following section on Cycle Counts and Instruction Counts for details on the differences.) The procedure for running a CGprof experiment is thus:
- Select the application to be profiled.
- Select the DLLwatch tool.
- Click "Execute Action" to run the application with the DLLwatch tool; this identifies all the DLLs used by the application.
- Select one of the "Call Graph Profile" tools in the action window.
- Once again, click "Execute Action", this time to run the application with CGprof.
- When the application terminates, Etch creates a window for browsing the profile output. The format of the profile output is explained below.