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 CSE 548: Computer Architecture - Winter 2006
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The following list of projects are suggestions. We encourage you to design your own project, however, it should be on the order of magnitude of these. Make sure to check with Susan and Andrew before starting any of these projects.

Most of these projects require you to build your own architectural simulator, or to modify an existing architectural simulator. A simulator should allow you to run code and provide statistics for how the code runs on your simulated machine. Your project report at the end would include both your simulator design and some interesting statistics that you get when running programs on your simulator.

Keep in mind that you don't want to re-write a simulator for a conventional architecture like a Pentium 4. The SimpleScalar simulator already does that. (See the main project page for info on SimpleScalar).

Domain Specific Processing: Recently there has been a renewed interest in instruction set design. Specifically, instruction set extensions for particular application domains. This includes multimedia (MMX, 3DNow), and encryption (CyrptoManiac). In this project choose an application domain and isolate a set of instructions and datapaths that are common to that domain (not just a single application within it). Implement these instructions and architecture modifications in a simulator and port a few applications.

Statistical Methods for Architecture Evaluation: Evaluating new computer architectures is challenged by the poor performance of cycle-by-cycle simulation. Recent work on trace sampling and statistical simulation have shown there are other viable methods. These methods have other trade-offs besides speed (such as accuracy). There are many projects to be done here. You could design a new simulator that combines statistical or other models with traditional cycle-by-cycle simulation. Alternatively, you can explore speeding up cycle-by-cycle simulation by reducing accuracy of certain components (such as caches). Finally, you might explore validation of both statistical and traditional simulators against real hardware (see the sim-alpha work from UT Austin).

Load/Store ordering structures: If only correctness wasn't a requirement for program execution, then we could build really fast machines. One of the major problems with extracting significant amounts of instruction level parallelism is the requirement to maintain program ordering of loads and stores. There are structures to maintain this, but they are far from scalable. Think about and design a scalable structure for supporting speculative loads.

New Metrics: Computer architects use poorly designed metrics. Instruction per cycle and it's corollary (execution time) are dubious averages of program performance. Are there more meaningful metrics of an applications performance on an architecture than its execution time? Are there metrics of parallelism and locality that can be measured about an application independent of any architecture? Can we measure something about the code produced from compiler X compared to compiler Y to make some statement about the compilers quality? What are these new metrics, and how meaningful are they compared to the old metrics? In this project modify a simulator to observe your new metric and provide evidence that the metric is more meaningful than the old metric. You might do this by implementing some architecture change and demonstrate how the old metric masks the effects of the change while the new metric does not.

Non-performance Related Architecture Enhancements: There is a growing sentiment that computers are ``fast enough'' and that energy (and dollars!) should be spent on making computers ``better'', not just faster. What is a ``better'' microprocessor? Nominally this has been interpreted as more reliable (wouldn't it be nice if we never saw the blue screen of death?). Better may also be interpreted as lower power or more programmable. Think about non-performance related changes you might make to a microprocessor or system. Implement these changes in a simulation infrastructure and evaluate them.

Secure Architectures: Computers are currently completely insecure. There are (at least!) three aspects to security in computer architecture you may explore. First, are there changes to the architecture we can make to stop the spread of viruses and hackers? Second, are there architectures (that will work in the long hall) that build in mechanisms for supporting societal concepts such as copyright protection? Third, are there architecture changes we can make that would allow code to run securely on an entrusted third party (think about oblivious transforms and obfuscation methods)? This is really three separate projects, but for each design the architecture and implement a simulator for it.

Fault Tolerant Architectures: As lithographic technology scales the reliability of devices decreases. This has lead to a renewed interested in fault tolerant architectures. There are currently two schemes being examined. The first is a very old method of computing in coded-space, with the most basic code being TMR (triple mode redundancy). The idea is simple: just take every wire and gate and replicate it 3 times and then periodically in the architecture ``vote'' on the outcome. The second idea is to build a checker that re-computes the outcome of a sequence of instructions. Are there other methods? There is a lot of work to be done in this area. You can explore fault models for future silicon processes. You could investigate architectures to handle faults. You can explore software computing models that permit faults.

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