CSE 544 Paper Reviews

Review instructions

The class schedule will tell you which paper(s) we will be covering in each class and which paper you should review. Before class, read all papers that we will discuss, but submit a summary only for the paper to review. Summaries should be about 1/2 of a page in length, and certainly no longer than one page. Your summary should outline the key ideas presented in the paper. You can also include a discussion of these ideas. If we post any reading questions, address these questions in your reviews.

Submission instructions

You can submit your review at the following website:
(submit it under the lecture in which the paper will be discussed)
If you have any problems with the submission, please let Nodira know. If you don't hear a response from her in time, feel free to email her your review before the submission deadline.

Submission deadline

Please submit your reviews before class.

Feedback Scheme

Each feedback is formatted as follows. First, you will receive an "Excellent.", "Good." or "Could be improved.".
(If you did not submit a review, you will receive a "Not submitted.")
Then if there are specific comments about your review, they will be included.
The following is an explanation of the Excellent vs. Good vs. Could be improved grades:

  1. If you answer the questions and write a summary, you receive a "good".
  2. In addition, if you also include one or two thoughtful insights, you receive an "excellent". Any comment that shows you thought about the paper will give you an excellent. There is no good or bad insight. We are just looking to see if you thought about the paper deeper than simply skimming it enough to answer the questions.
  3. If you fail to answer the questions or your review is a little *too* similar to the paper abstract, you receive a "could be improved".