Paper 9 Review

From: Bhushan Mandhani (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 03:28:02 PDT

  • Next message: Joe Xavier: "Review : An overview of QO in Relational Systems"

            An Overview of Query Optimization

    Query optimization is the problem of choosing an efficient execution plan
    for a query. This paper gives a high-level but insightful picture of this
    topic. It identifies the search space of plans, the method for plan cost
    estimation, and the algorithm for enumeration of plans as the three key
    components making up a query optimizer.

    It starts out by describing the System R optimizer, and identifies the
    inability to expand its search space as a weakness. It then demonstrates
    the big size of the search space by showing a variety of transformations
    that can be applied to optimize SQL queries. These include choice of join
    order, pushing group-by's ahead of joins, flattening a nested SQL query
    into a single block query, etc. Finally, it shows semijoin-like methods,
    in which selection predicates are moved from one query block to another.

    It briefly describes how cost estimation of plans is done, what statistics
    are maintained, etc. It also defines the idea of an extensible optimizer,
    and gives an overview of two different systems with an extensible
    optimizer: Starburst and Volcano. It concludes with a mention of
    specialized optimization settings such as distributed databases, queries
    with user-defined functions as predicates, optimization in the presence of
    materialized views, etc.

    The paper is short, and probably does not even reveal the tip of the
    iceberg. Moreover, it gives a very high-level picture, and doesn't make an
    effort to give a formal framework for query optimization, which is
    disappointing. However, it does give a flavor of the topic, and has
    nice motivating examples.

  • Next message: Joe Xavier: "Review : An overview of QO in Relational Systems"

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