Paper 8 Review

From: Bhushan Mandhani (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 11:57:09 PDT

  • Next message: Joe Xavier: "Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System"

            Access Path Selection in a RDBMS

    This paper describes the query optimizer of System R. It introduces the
    key idea of estimating costs of different plans using statistics
    maintained in the system catalog, and then choosing the plan with least
    cost. It is thus a pioneering paper in query optimization in relational

    For accessing a relation, the paper defines a cost model that considers
    both I/O and CPU cost. In moderns systems, we are not too concerned about
    the CPU cost. It introduces the idea of maintaining statistics like no of
    tuples and disk pages for a relation, no of values and disk pages for an
    index, etc in the system catalog. It then describes how it uses these
    stats in estimating the costs of access paths. It also introduces
    "selectivity factors" for individual predicates occuring in the Where
    clause of a query block. It describes how this is computed for different
    kinds of predicates, and how they are used in cost estimation for an
    access path.

    The other key thing it does is give a method for plan selection for
    multiway joins. The join order to choose is an important issue, and can
    dramtically effect query execution time. It first gives very natural
    heuristics which restrict the space of alternatives considered. It then
    finds the actual join plan using a dynamic programming algorithm. It
    starts out by finding the best way to access each individual relation. It
    next uses these to find the best way to join each pair of relations. These
    in turn are used to find the best 3-way joins, and so on. It does this
    efficiently using tree search, and keeps track of intermediate plan costs
    and tuple orderings.

    It is clear the key impact of this paper, and the System R project, was to
    establish the feasibility of having a relational database system, and
    support for a non-procedural query language like SQL.

  • Next message: Joe Xavier: "Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System"

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