System R

From: Steven Balensiefer (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 10:33:10 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Gubanov: "SystemR"

    Access Path Selection in a Relational Database System

     The System R optimizer attacks the problem of query optimization from a
    very specific starting point. It only attempts to optimize linear series
    of joins (i.e. left-deep trees). Though they don't explicitly say so, this
    choice is used to restrict the number or possible orderings when
    enumerating possible plans.

     The evaluation of possible plans relied both on the cost of the plan, and
    the presence of "interesting orderings". In determining the cost, they
    introduced the idea of a selectivity factor, which roughly relates to the
    fraction of the table that will satisfy a given predicate from the query.
     It's imporant to note that the cost derived depended on the number of
    tuples, this selectivity factor, and some representation of the cost for
    doing the physical access.

     The concept of interesting orderings was a more nebulous concept. In
    essence, an interesting ordering is a plan where slightly more costly
    subplans (i.e. merge-sort join on two tables) yield results which
    significantly decrease the cost of a future operation. It felt like they
    added this as a concession to the fact that this kind of optimization may
    not be perfectly suited for a dynamic programming approach.

     The inclusion of the interesting orderings prevents the exclusion of
    subplans that aren't locally best, but contribute to the best

     The only difficulty I had with this paper was interpretting the figures 5
    and 6. I'm still confused the purported extension from one to the next,
    because I fail to see how they map to each other. Also, the inclusion of
    the root node confuses me. Fortunately, the description in the text was
    more helpful.


  • Next message: Michael Gubanov: "SystemR"

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