Review 8

From: Li Yan (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 02:53:50 PDT

  • Next message: Neva Cherniavsky: "Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System"

    This paper mainly talks about access path selection, part of
    query optimization. Since the computation involved is
    insignificant compared with the total cost of query
    execution, and will result in a significant reduction factor
    of query execution cost, it is worthwhile to perform
    optimization to get a good query plan.

    One thing in System R looks a bit counter intuitive is to
    have multiple relations in a single segment and a segment
    scan will retrieve tuples other that the requested relation
    potentially. Not sure about the decision made in such a
    storage organization.

    The so-called sargable predicate serves a simple yet good
    example of pushing down selection, so as to avoid further
    processing of such uninteresting tuples, in an effort to
    save CPU usage. However, this paper says most of System R's
    CPU usage is spent on RSS, is it from empirical statistics
    or there is a justification, say, memory management takes up
    the majority of compuation resource?

    Statistics are key to cost estimation, but it is too
    expensive to update the values after every update command,
    INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, then what exactly does the Dynamic
    Updating do to keep it current? Is it simple store a copy of
    temperary values and lock-n-update statistics periodically?

    The selection criteria takes into account of interesting
    ordering, which makes sense, since there is a cost
    associated with sorting resulting tuples if such an order is

    It is well worth noting that hash-join is missing from the
    discussion in multi-relation join. Maybe due to a historical

  • Next message: Neva Cherniavsky: "Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System"

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