From: Aaron Chang (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 04:43:35 PDT
rev 7
The Big Paper
sec 1 intro
1. physical algebra: all query processing algorithms;
the complete
collection of operators and mechanisms to execute
complex expressions in a
query engine; system-specific; cost functions
logical algebra: closely related to the data model;
such the relational
algebra (like SQL); typically the same across all
systems; not directly
executable; abstracted from system
2. iterator model: implementation of all operators so
that they are
scheduled within one process; iteration of over
intermediate granules; ex:
print, scan, hash join, merge-join, sort
sec 2.1 sorting
3. all sorting algorithms use merge-sort
(interesting) - must be for
joins; quicksort cannot be used for datasets large
than available memory;
sorting algorithms on large data sets on disk use
"dividing and combining"
4. level 0 runs: in-memory quicksort or replacement
selection (fill memory
with items in a priority heap; used when db is larger
than memory spaces)
sec 2.2 hashing
5. hashing can be used an alternative to sorting; use
in-memory hash table
bin overflow is handled by "avoidance or resolution"
6. partitioning: dataset is partitioned before
actually storing in hash
table (avoidance approach)
hybrid hashing: part of hash is in memory, the
directory references on
disk as well (resolution)
-> seems like the latter is more realistic and
sec 3.1 disk access
7. first operation on db: "read-ahead": makes things
fast, but can cause
buffer fragmentation and bandwidth waste
sec 3.2 indices
8. indices are made by associative search techniques
(map key values to
locator info); B-trees (and their variants are used);
other trees or hashes
structures are less used; indices can be clustered or
sec 4.1 aggregation using nested loops
9. simplest aggregation/dupe removal scheme: temp
file stores data during
each loop; inefficient for large input sets; it can do
unusual joins, but
not generally used because of performance weakness
sec 4.2 agg. based on sorting
10. remove dupes as early as possible
sec 4.3 agg based on hashing
11. amt of I/O for hash-agg's dependent on
partitioning before output
sec. 4.4 performance comparison
12. both sort and hash agg methods are log-order
sec 5 binary matching operators
13. combining data: relational joins - most current db
systems use nested
loops and merge-joins only; hash-joins are considered
more efficient
sec 5.1 nested loops join
14. simplest method; poor performance
sec 5.2 merge join
15. two inputs are sorted on join attribute
sec 5.3 hash join
16. use a hash table keying on one input, then looking
for items of other
input; cost of binary hash I/O ops is log
overall, a pretty exhaustive coverage of the
algorithms and theory behind
databases internals. though it was long, the author is
surprisingly clear
on many topics. an interesting read, one that serves
better as a reference
than a short scientific interest.
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