Logic in Computer Science: Review

From: Bhushan Mandhani (bhushan@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 10:57:14 PDT

  • Next message: Lucas Kreger-Stickles: "Review: On The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in CS"

    This paper, as the title suggests, describes what a crucial role logic
    plays in computer science. It draws an analogy with the role of maths in
    the natural sciences. In fact, logic is far more important in CS than it
    is maths itself, where it is largely a fringe area.

    It then goes on to describe the interaction between logic and complexity
    theory. Clearly, a rich and interesting theory exists here. Complexity
    classes are mapped to sentences in logic, with some specified expressive
    power, so that each language in a class is described by a formula in the
    corresponding logic. For example, NP is equivalent to second order
    existential formulas, P to FOL with recursion, and so on. Overall, this
    gives a new enlightening view of both logic and complexity.

    Then it talks about databases, which are clearly one of the great
    successes of the use of logic in CS. FOL is an appropriate and powerful
    query language for relational data. What makes its use possible is that it
    can be efficiently implemented using relational algebra. Individual
    operations are efficiently done using indexes, and the algebra query
    itself is optimized using rewriting rules. Finally, a language like SQL is
    used for formulating these queries.

    The paper goes on to further describe areas in which logic has been
    successfully used. Thus, logic has many practical applications, in
    addition to being a rich and interesting subject to study by itself.

  • Next message: Lucas Kreger-Stickles: "Review: On The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in CS"

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