On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science

From: Steven Balensiefer (alaska@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 28 2004 - 02:47:20 PDT

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    On the Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science

     I understand that the idea for this paper was an earlier work of similar
    title. Even so, I find if amusing that the title suggests an evolution
    of methods that finally resulte in logic. Without Logic, there would be
    no computer science, so mentioning that logic works well for computer
    science seems redundant.

     That being said, I was surprised by the theorems for descriptive
    complexity. My only experience with complexity was in 531, so I don't
    find it wierd that I'd never heard or descriptive complexity. I was
    surprised that something like adding the ability to make inductive
    relations would allow first order relations to be equivalent to P.
      The theorems presented were new to me, but I wish there had been
    further explanation or examples of their import.

     I wasn't surprised that relational algebra was discussed here, because
    its relation to first order logic is readily apparent. The mention of
    rewriting rules led me to an interesting question. If the query optimizer
    contains all of these kinds of rules, is there an unnecessary cost in
    the form of repeated effort when the user strives to optimize his query?
    The conventional wisdom in OS is that providing the user with additional
    control can lead to better performance because the user knows the details
    of his requirements. However, in a DBMS it seems equally believable that
    the query optimizer knows far more about the way the query should be
    handled than the user. Just from the first part of the homework, I'd
    suspect that simply applying these rewriting rules isn't enough to
    counteract poor query structure by the user.

     The discussion about the scalability of databases based on the
    properties of first order queries also grabbed my attention. The authors
    note that all of the calculations take place independently, and therefore
    a sufficiently parallel machine could do these operations in O(1) time.
    My mind immediately leapt to two alternatives for exploiting this
    property. The first would be to design Processor in Memory systems so
    that large vector-style operations could be orchestrated without the cost
    of all the bus communication. The feasibility of this system might be
    questionable based on the fact that any reasonable DB application has
    it's performance determined by disk access. The other thought was to
    wonder about the performance of DB applications on WaveScalar.

     I guess what I took from this is that the application of relational
    algebra to the problem of querying relations was fundamental to the
    performance of these systems. I think it's safe to assume that the
    development of an algebra for expressing semi-structured queries over XML
    will lead to the same kind of gains.

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