objects, databases, the internet

From: Danny Wyatt (danny@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 11:32:52 PDT

  • Next message: Bhushan Mandhani: "Paper 3 review"

    One of my "resume line" achievements in industry was moving a dot-com
    from ObjectStore to Oracle. (This was in 1999.) The entire development
    team felt that devising our own object-relational mappings (all of our
    software was written in Java) was preferable to dealing with the
    complexities ObjectStore introduced to our code. We actually found the
    "impedance mismatch" between data persistence and application logic a
    nice boundary to have in our design: we wrote a CORBA service for
    persistence that handled the mappings and queries and we were free to
    remove ODI's interfaces and inheritance hierarchy completely from our
    code. So rather than finding an OODB convenient, we found it too
    intrusive. Additionally, we felt that the set-theoretic background of
    RDBMS's was more well-understood than object-persistence. We had
    trouble ourselves deciding how best to serialize our objects so we
    appreciated doing away with them conceptually when it came to storage.

    As others have mentioned, this paper does seem to miss the importance of
    the Internet directly, but I think they touch on some topics that
    suggest that direction. The most important of these is the "highly
    integrated client component". Looking ahead to 2006, if current
    predictions (not those of the paper) hold, then most filesystems will be
    replaced with RDBMS's and CORBA-like web services will be the norm for
    software architectures. In such a world, the distinction between client
    and server is an arbitrary defined only by canonical ownership of the
    data. Pieces of data must be continually ferried about and
    synchronized, and queries must be distributed to many sources. It is
    due (perhaps) to that that XML has risen to such popularity
    since--independent of it's support for something like ADT's--it is a
    wire protocol useful for data interchange.

  • Next message: Bhushan Mandhani: "Paper 3 review"

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