Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil

From: CR (chrisre@cs.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 07:37:40 PDT

  • Next message: Neva Cherniavsky: "Review of "Of Objects and Databases""

    The authors review some of the beginning work on Object Oriented
    Databases and identify the reasons why everyone is not using an OODB.
    They identify four approaches, persistent programming languages, native
    OODBS, extend Relational engines and toolkits.

    I have always liked the toolkit idea but, I only partly agree with their
    assessment that it failed because of too much expertise. The problem is
    that most cutting edge database technologies are not modular – consider
    ARIES, it has its hand in every part of the system. Or query optimizers,
    who need more than selectivity estimates to work over things that are
    not sets of scalars.

    Another reason I believe OODBs have been a disappointment is sort of
    related to their issue of standards. Objects are a widely abused term
    and do not really have the sort of clean model that underlies the
    relational model. That said it would be wrong to say that SQL is cleanly
    or universally implemented. So I am not sure how much blame can be put
    on standards.

    I think the author’s underestimated how much of a motivation
    heterogeneity of data was importance. Object-oriented languages tie you
    into a strange view of the world and have an impedance mismatch with
    everything – even other objects. These are the reasons that systems
    people keep coming up with different component architectures, why
    microsoft relentlessly releases new OLE, COM, DCOM like standards.
    Self-description of data so that consumers of the data can use it in
    ways different from how it was intended seem more important. It is for
    this reason that I think the authors misidentified the world where you
    could write in any language and still have the same model of
    inheritance. Perhaps I am wrong since the MSIL is aiming again to do
    just that.

    I do think that the authors correctly identified the coming importance
    of middleware to mitigate some of the above problems. My main problems
    is that I do not see objects as extraordinarily useful as the rest of
    the world seems to. One of the key ways that databases get performance
    is by exploiting properties of the objects they deal over, the fact that
    range queries can be effectively indexed for example. However objects by
    their nature hide most of these details.

  • Next message: Neva Cherniavsky: "Review of "Of Objects and Databases""

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