Several Years of Objects

From: Charles Giefer (
Date: Mon Apr 26 2004 - 00:51:40 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Moshchuk: "review"

    Of Objects and Databases: A Decade of Turmoil
    Michael Carey and David DeWitt

    The main topic of this paper was to discuss the relationship between objects
    and databases. It is intended to track the evolution of object related
    database research over the course of a decade and to predict future trends.

    One of the better ideas that have followed through since 1986 is the use of
    ADT (abstract data types) as a way to extend relational databases to include
    some object support. Other ideas, such as persistent programming languages
    and unique tool-kits to build and customize domain-specific applications,
    failed because of their complexity, vagueness, and lack of interest.

    One topic on which this paper comments that is of significance importance
    today is the support of legacy systems. This is true even for today's
    semi-structured data, XML. Seamless interaction between old systems and
    standards, and leverage of established systems is very important to today's
    research on topics such as XML processing.

    I think this paper underestimated the impact and pervasiveness of the
    Internet in the year 2006. I don't specifically see where objects would
    play a role, but it is clear that web based processing and distributed
    systems are not as much of a priority in this paper.

    Much of the paper is beyond my ability to provide meaningful comment. The
    actual term "object" is not thoroughly defined in this paper; intentionally
    because it means different things in different circumstances. That is why
    it was difficult to find a common thread in the areas of research. Also,
    this paper lacks specific examples so that someone not familiar with the
    purpose of using objects in databases, nor familiar with many of the
    database terms and unique concepts, can get very confused.

    It is clear that relational databases are still the preferred systems. This
    may be because of the simplicity in their model. Objects seem to add a new
    level of complexity and mess that has made their implementation a bit

    Our course project will make use of a specific tool mentioned in this paper.
    We are using an object-oriented language (Java) to provide and interface to
    a relational database. Therefore, we can manipulate and encapsulate the
    data in objects, but use the relational database backend.

  • Next message: Alexander Moshchuk: "review"

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