Essence of XML review

From: Neva Cherniavsky (
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 07:48:55 PDT

  • Next message: Bhushan Mandhani: ""Essence of XML" Review"

    This paper describes a model for the core features of XML. XML is an
    external format for representing data that is neither self-describing nor
    round-tripping. The authors fix this through their model, for which they
    prove a number of properties culminating in the Validation Theorem and the
    Roundtripping corollaries. Essentially, validation matches an element to a
    type. It is akin to compilation in other languages.

    Validation is important because we want to ensure that our data is of the
    right form. There is structure to the elements of XML and validation
    ensures we are matching the proper structure for each element.

    Subtyping and restriction are very similar. Usually in programming
    languages, an element that is subtyped from another shares the same
    initial structure and also adds on to that structure. In this model, the
    restricted class is not allowed to add on elements; the parent class
    contains all the elements allowed by the children. Extension is also
    similar to inheritance, particularly multiple inheritance, which is not
    implemented in the commonly used programming languages. One big
    difference is in XQuery, type checking requires that one knows all the
    types that can be derived from a given type, whereas in other programming
    languages, one can type check a class without knowing all its subclasses.
    The parent class in XQuery is the union of all its children, which leads
    to unusual behavior.

    The most important practical implication of the Validation Theorem was to
    add pure named typing to XQuery. Pure named typing simplifies the formal
    semantics of the language.

    I liked this paper a lot; the theory was sound, well-written, and easy to
    understand, and the authors have helped bring formal semantics back into
    the fold with regard to XML.

  • Next message: Bhushan Mandhani: ""Essence of XML" Review"

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