Review: Essence of XML

From: Atri Rudra (
Date: Tue Apr 13 2004 - 22:54:21 PDT

  • Next message: Alexander Moshchuk: "Essence of XML"

    The main contribution of this paper is to give a formal model of XML,
    albeit only for a subset of XML. The model allows the authors to come up
    with a validation theorem which characterizes when an untyped XML document
    can be validated. Though the theorem appears to be intuitive (very loosely
    speaking the theorem says that an untyped value is validated as some type
    if the value is of (or matches) the same type and the value corresponds to
    (or erases to) the untyped value).

    XML documents need to be validated to make sure that they conform to
    specifications (again very loosely speaking, it is akin to compiling
    code). The paper is pretty easy to follow if one has some knowledge about
    functional languages (the authors being hotshots also means that in some
    places the tone is very high handed). Most of the paper is building up
    the model and various inference rules for various judgments (which, again
    loosely speaking, are operations) and the main theorem follows easily from
    applications of these inference rules.

    The cool thing about the paper is the crisp model, after which the whole
    things follows naturally. Restriction in XML seems similar to ranges which
    are allowed in some languages and extensions are like inheritance in Java.
    Interestingly, the validation theorem in addition to just being a nice
    theoretical characterization can be used to speed up matching (which is a
    sub-step of validation): this is vaguely similar to dynamic programming
    paradigm where you use information about an already solved sub-problem and not
    re-solve it again later.

  • Next message: Alexander Moshchuk: "Essence of XML"

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