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 CSE 544: Course Outline
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Course Outline (Tentative)

  1. Introudction, E/R Diagrams

  2. The Relational Model, Relational Algebra, SQL

  3. More SQL

  4. Semistructured Data and XML.

  5. XML: XPath, XQuery

  6. Theory: Conjunctive Queries [AHV]

  7. Theory: Conjunctive Queries [AHV]

  8. Theory: Datalog  [AHV]

  9. Theory: query languages and complexity classes

  10. Storing Data on Disk (Chapt. 7)

  11. Indexes (Chapt. 8)

  12.  B+ Trees (Chapt. 9)

  13. Hash-based indexing (Chapt. 10)

  14. External sorting (Chapt. 11)

  15. Query processing (Chapt. 12)

  16. Query optimization (Chapt. 13)

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University of Washington
Box 352350
Seattle, WA  98195-2350
(206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX
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