Using PostgreSQL
First, you should have an account on cubist. If not, please contact
Log into cubist using ssh, etc.
To interact with the database run:
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -U [user-name] cse544
(I have created accounts using your login-name)
When you are prompted for your password, use cse544.
Change your password:
alter user [user-name] with encrypted password '[new-password]';
(where [user-name] is your login name and [new-password] is your new password)
To see the tables already defined run:
Try a simple query:
SELECT * FROM names WHERE name = 'Lung';
Or a more complicated query (these are the parts of the lung):
SELECT name FROM names, parts WHERE = parts.part and = 12277 and
names.isSynonym = 0;
To exit PostgreSQL, run:
- Congratulations, you R now a database user.