pid | Name | Price | Description |
323 | gizmo | 22.99 | great |
233 | gizmo plus | 99.99 | more features |
312 | gadget | 59.99 | good value |
sid | Name | Phone |
s282 | Wiz | 555-1234 |
s521 | Econo-Wiz | 555-6543 |
pid | Markup | sid |
323 | 10% | s521 |
233 | 25% | s282 |
233 | 15% | s521 |
a. [2 points] We want to export this data into an XML file. Write a DTD
describing the following structure for the XML file:
- there is one root element called products
- the products element contains a sequence of product
sub elements, one for each
product in the database
- each product element contains one name, one
price, and one description subelement, and a sequence of store
subelements, one for each store that sells that product:
- each store element contains one name,
one phone, and one markup .
You have to turn in a DTD.
b. [2 points] Write the XML document obtained by exporting the database above; you have to turn in an XML document.
c. [5 points] Assuming that you have XML documents with the structure given in a., write an XML-QL query that returns the names and prices of all products that are sold at least at one store with a markup of 25%. You have to turn in an XML-QL query.
d. [3 points] Write the same query in SQL over the original relational database schema. You have to turn in a SQL query.
e. [8 points] Assume the same database is represented in an XML document whose structure follows the relational tables:
<db> <products> <row> <pid>323 </pid> <name> gizmo </name> <price> 22.99 </price> <description> great </description> <row>
<row> ... <row>
<row> ... <row>
<stores> <row> ... <row> ... </stores>
<sells> <row> ... </row> ... </sells>
Write an XML-QL query that, when given an input with this structure, constructs
an XML document with the structure described in a. You have to turn in an XML-QL query.
<!ELEMENT wnyc (piece*)>
<!ELEMENT piece (time, title, composer, conductor?, orchestra?, soloist*,
(elements time, title, composer, conductor, orchestra, soloist, publisher are all PCDATA and are omitted from this DTD; also, each element has an attribute id of type ID, which is omitted too). Consider the XML document below, which is valid w.r.t that DTD:
<wnyc id="0">
<piece id="1"> <time id="10">
12:26 PM </time>
<title id="11"> Mad Rush </title>
<composer id="12"> Philip Glass </composer>
<soloist id="13"> Aleck Karis, piano </soloist>
<publisher id="14"> Romeo 7204 </publisher>
<piece id="2"> <time> id="21"
12:49 PM </time>
<title id="22"> Concerto No. 12 in E, Op. 3, RV 265
<composer id="23"> Antonio Vivaldi </composer>
<conductor id="24"> Fabio Biondi </conductor>
<orchestra id="25"> Europa Galante </orchestra>
<publisher id="26"> Virgin Classics 45315 </publisher>
<piece id="3"> <time id="31">
1:01 PM </time>
<title id="32"> Symphony No. 1 in e, Op. 39 </title>
<composer id="33"> Jean Sibelius </composer>
<conductor id="34"> Leonard Bernstein </conductor>
<orchestra id="35"> Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
<publisher id="36"> Deutsche Grammophon 435351
<piece id="4"> <time id="41">
1:47 PM </time>
<title id="42"> Andante for Piano ("Andante favori")
<composer id="43"> Ludwig van Beethoven </composer>
<soloist id="44"> Alfred Brendel, piano </soloist>
<publisher id="45"> Philips 438472 </publisher>
<piece id="5"> <time
id="51"> 1:57 PM </time>
<title id="52"> Upon Enchanted Ground </title>
<composer id="53"> Alan Hovhaness </composer>
<soloist id="55"> Yolanda Kondonassis, harp </soloist>
<soloist id="56"> Frank Hendrickx, alto flute
<soloist id="57"> Herwig Coryn, cello </soloist>
<soloist id="58"> Patrick De Smet, tam-tam </soloist>
<publisher id="59"> Telarc 80530 </publisher>
This problem is concerned with storing the XML data into relations and
translating XML-QL queries into SQL queries. The XML-QL query is:
where <wnyc> <piece> <title> $t </> <soloist>
Hendrickx </> <publisher> $p
</wnyc> in "file.xml"
construct <result> <title> $t </> <publisher> $p
</> </>
a. [9 points] Assume we don't know the DTD and don't know the XML data.
We design
the following relational schema:
lable, dst)
(see Data on the Web, page 173).
- when we store the XML instance
above in this database, how many tuples will Ref contain, and how many
tuples will Val contain ?
- translate the XML-QL query
above into a SQL query over this schema.
b. [8 points] Assume we know the DTD above. We design the following relational
time, title, composer, conductor, orchestra, publisher)
Soloist(soloist, pieceOid)
(Notice: fields are allowed be null.)
- populate the database schema
with the XML instance above; how many tuples are there in the two tables ?
- translate the XML-QL query
above into SQL.
c. [8 points] Assume we have a particular XML instance, and we can
analyze its structure before deciding on a relational schema. E.g. if
we have the instance above, then we infer that there are two kinds of pieces: those having a conductor
and an orchestra, and those having soloists, and there are at most four
soloists. Then we design the following relational schema:
Piece1(oid, time, title, composer, conductor, orchestra, publisher)
Piece2(oid, time, title, composer, soloist1, soloist2, soloist3, soloist4,
- populate the database with the
XML instance above; how many tuples are there in the two tables ?
- translate the XML-QL query into