CSE 532:
Course Projects
Schedule of Talks
- Monday, March 16, Sieg 422
10:30 - Dan Fasulo: Randomized Complexity Classes
11:10 - Todd Millstein: Zero Knowledge Interactive Proof Systems
11:50 - Andy Keller: Logic of Knowledge and Common Knowledge
- Monday, March 16, New EE/CSE Building 045 (Note this is not Sieg 422)
2:30 - Jason Hartline: Kolmogorov Complexity
3:10 - Marc Friedman: Default Logic, the Complexity of Common Sense Reasoning
3:50 - Vass Litvinov: Dissection of `Isabelle'
- Wednesday, March 18, Sieg 422
10:30 - Sumeet Sobti: Computations that Count, #P, Parity P, and their
Relation to the Polynomial Hierarchy
11:10 - Jayram Thathachar: Time-space Tradeoffs for Satisfiability
11:50 - Nicholas Bone: Complexity of Logical Theories
Talk Guidelines
Talk should be 30 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for questions.
Talk should be from overhead slides - 10-15 overheads suggested.
Audience for the talk should be fellow students in the class. You can assume
the material in the course is known to the audience.
A critical analysis of the paper or book is required.
Each student is required to attend at least two other students' talks.