CSE 531
Introduction to Formal Models in Computer Science
Final exam preparation
The final exam is Monday, December 12 at 10:30-12:20 in our regular
The exam will be closed book but you may bring this list to the exam.
The final exam will cover essentially the entire course including the following
- Turing machines and undecidability
- Basic definitions of Turing machines and their operations.
- Turing recognizable, decidable languages.
- Turing machines as language enumerators.
- Church-Turing thesis and evidence for it: simulations of multitape and
nondeterministic TMs.
- Decision procedures for properties of automata, CFLs, PDAs, etc.
- Undecidability and reductions
- Diagonalization and countability.
- Undecidability of the Halting problem.
- Turing-recognizable and coTuring-recognixable implies decidable.
- (Mapping) reductions to show other problems undecidable, not
- Undecidability by computation histories, undecidable properties of
CFLs, Post Correspondence Problem.
- Turing reductions.
- Complexity
- Definitions of TIME(t(n)) and NTIME(t(n))
- Definitions of P and NP.
- Polynomial time algorithms for specific problems.
- NP and NP-completeness
- Equivalent NP characterizations in terms of polynomial-time verifiers
and NTIME, NP algorithms for specific problems.
- Polynomial-time mapping reductions, NP-hardness, NP-completeness
- Cook-Levin Theorem: Tableau idea to prove CIRCUIT-SAT is NP-complete; reduction from
- The fact that the following problems are NP-complete: CLIQUE, INDEPENDENT-SET, VERTEX-COVER, U/HAMILTONIAN-PATH/CIRCUIT, 3COLOR, SUBSET-SUM.
- Ability to show other problems NP-complete using these.
- Definition of SPACE(s(n)) and NSPACE(s(n))
- Relationships of TIME and SPACE
- NTIME(t(n)) in SPACE(t(n)).
- NSPACE(s(n)) in TIME(n2O(s(n))).
- Savitch's Theorem. NSPACE(s(n)) in SPACE(s(n)2).
- PSPACE, PSPACE-completeness.
- PSPACE-completeness of TQBF
- Polynomial-time oracle TMs.
- Polynomial-time hierarchy and characterization in terms of bounded
alternation TQBF.
- Low-level space
- L, NL
- Log-space reductions, NL-completeness
- NL-completeness of PATH.
- NL=coNL.
- P-completeness.
- P-completeness of CIRCUIT-VALUE.
- Diagonalization to get complexity lower bounds
- A little more time/space usually helps: TIME and SPACE hierarchy theorems.
- The fact that P vs NP does not `relativize' so diagonalization will
probably fail to show $P\ne NP$.
- Randomized computation
- Definitions of BPP, RP.
- Amplification of success probability.
- The fact that PRIMES in BPP (COMPOSITES in RP).
- Randomized polynomial identity testing.
- Non-uniform models of computation
- Circuit families
- Branching programs.