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Find and read a good primer on some topic that you feel is a course-related weakness. E.g., if your background is primarily in CS, find a "bio for computer scientists" primer, or something on "computing for biologists" if your background is primarily in biology, something on probability and statistics if you feel that's a gap, etc.
Give us a link and/or citation to the paper you read, together with a few sentences about it. E.g., give me critique of it for meeting your needs. Who would it have been good for, if not you? Highlight something from it that you found especially interesting or surprising.
You should provide your review by directly editing the course Wiki page:
Brief instruction on how to edit it are included there. Either CSE or UW netid should suffice to edit it. Again, what I want you to create is an annotated bibliography of papers potentially useful to others in deciding what to read to get started in computational biology (depending on their background). The examples included all happen to be online papers, but that's not a requirement.You may pick a paper from anywhere, including the following starter suggestions:
And note that the analogous web page from last year's class has links to/critiques of other sources, which may help you find something to suit your needs.
Computer Science & Engineering University of Washington Box 352350 Seattle, WA 98195-2350 (206) 543-1695 voice, (206) 543-2969 FAX [comments to cse527-webmaster at cs.washington.edu] |