Lecture 8

October 30, 2001
Lecturer: Larry Ruzzo
Notes: Peter Couperus

More Clustering

Finding Cliques from Last Time

Recall from last time, we wanted to find a solution to the following problem. Given a graph $G$, the adjacencies of two vertices $v_1,v_2$ in $G$ is toggled with some probability $p < \frac{1}{2}$ to give us a new graph $G'$. Our only knowledge is the structure of $G'$. The problem is to reconstruct with ``some certainty'' where the cliques (maximal connected subgraphs) of the original graph $G$ were. Ideally, one would look for principal submatrices (submatrices which are closed under reflection about the diagonal) of the incidence matrix for $G'$ which are ``dense in 1s'' and ``sparse in 0s''. If the vertices happen to be ordered so the cliques have vertex sets which are contiguous with respect to this ordering, then this problem is ``fairly easy'': we need only look at square blocks around the diagonal, and see when these are ``dense in 1s'' and ``sparse in 0s''. If not (which is more likely the case), we would need to examine all principal submatrices, which is equivalent to looking at the square blocks around the diagonal for each possible permutation of the vertex ordering. Since there are lots of permutations, this isn't feasible in practice.

Other Clustering Heuristics

Recall from last time, we discussed one non-heirarchical clustering method, the ``core-based'' method. In this class, we discuss two additional (unstructured) clustering heuristics, $K$-means and Self-Organizing Maps. We also start to discuss Model Based Clustering.


The basic idea for $K$-means is to begin with our data points segregated into $K$ clusters, and through each pass ``migrate'' points to more appropriate clusters.
  1. Initialize. Can be done in a variety of ways. Can be done naively by randomly distrubuting the points among $K$ sets.
  2. For each cluster $C$, calculate the centroid for $C$, meaning, calculate the average of each of the $d$ coordinates among the points in $C$.
  3. With the centroids calculated from (2), for each point, decide which centroid it is closest to, and reassign the point to the cluster corresponding to this centroid.
  4. Repeat until some iteration count is reached, or until some sort of convergence is reached.
Some comments about the $K$-means heuristic:

Self-Organizing Maps

The other clustering method described is a bit more technical. It doesn't exactly seem as much of a ``clustering'' problem as it seems like a ``find the best $K$ centroids'' problem. Comments were made that in light of this, seemingly ``similar'' data were forced into different categories for $K$ large enough. The basic setup for the self-organizing map heuristic is pretty flexible though. A couple of comments/requirements on the setup: With all of that in mind, the following describes the SOM process:
  1. Set $t = 1$. Initialize. Again, many ways to do this. Could be done naively by picking $K$ random data points as the centroids and putting them at ``appropriate'' places in the topological structure (where, more arguments could be made as to good was to do this step).
  2. For each data point $x$ (currently in cluster $C_x$ with centroid $\bar x$), find the closest centroid to $x$, and assign $x$ to the corresponding cluster $C'_x$. Update the centroid (old_center to new_center) for each cluster $C$ as follows:
    If $x$ was in $C$ originally, and $C'_x = C$, leave centroid alone. Otherwise, new_center = old_center + $h(t)$($x$ - old_center), where

h(t) = \alpha(t)e^{-d^2/(\sigma(t))^2}

    $d$ = the topological distance from cluster $C'_x$ to cluster $C$. (on a 2D grid, this was the taxi-cab distance between the two points on the grid).
  3. Increment $t$. If $t$ ``large enough'', stop. Otherwise goto (2).
There are many variants on this heuristic. There is a lot of flexibility in the initialization stage, in the underlying topology we use, the number of clusters we desire, the functions $\alpha$ and $\sigma$. Comments were made that the specific choice of $\alpha$ and $\sigma$ didn't seem crucial. Suggestions were made that perhaps instead of restricting the topology from the outset of the algorithm, perhaps instead build a directed graph based on the centroids chosen in the initialization stage, and then impose whatever topological constraints you want on this digraph instead (planarity, $k$-regularity, etc.) The argument for this idea included: algorithms for these classes of digraphs have been more thouroughly researched, and by imposing the topology before we actually have the data, we may be prematurely forcing conglomeration or segmentation of clusters.

Model Based Clustering

The last type of clustering discussed (and will be gone into more in depth in the future) was model based clustering. Where all of the previous clustering methods discussed made no stringent assumptions on the input data, model based clustering will make some sort of assumptions. Specifically, the input data may be assumed to have some well known statistical/mathematical distribution, be it normal, binomial, Poisson, or whatever. Further, it may be known ahead of time that the data arose from $K$ different stoichastic (random) processes, with some hypothesized distribution. Then under these assumption, the goal is to determine with some probabilistic certainty the mean, median, variance, and whatever other statistical parameters are desired for each of the $K$ processes. Then, with these parameters ``determined'', given some data point, we wish to determine the probability it arose from each of the $K$ processes. This will give us a form of Soft Clustering, where data points are not partitioned into sets, but instead associated with different processes with some probability. This is in contrast to the Hard Clustering performed by all of the methods described thus far: the data points are partitioned into some collection of sets. The method that will be used (and discussed) is the EM-algorithm, which will perform much the same as $K$-means under the assumption that the $K$ processes have spherical symmetry and constant variance.

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Lecture 8

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