Steam-powered Turing Machine University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSE 521 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Spring 2009
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Old final: Look at questions 1 and 4 on this exam for some more examples of final questions.

Course Info

TTh 12:00 - 1:20 PM, CSE 203

Course Staff:
Instructor: James Lee
TA: Thach Nguyen

Office Hours:
  • James: Tuesday and Thursday, by appointment (just shoot me an email)
  • Thach: Wed 330-530 in CSE 218

If you need an appointment and can't make it to the scheduled office hours, please email us, and we will set up some other time.

Slides and lecture notes


We will be using the book, Algorithm Design (Addison Wesley, 2005), by Jon Kleinberg and Eva Tardos.


The rough grading split will be as follows:
  • 5 problem sets (5*10%) (roughly bi-weekly)
  • 1 take-home midterm (15-20%)
  • 1 in-class (open book) final (30-35%)

Problem Sets

Problem set




Homework 1

Apr 9



Homework 2

Apr 23



Homework 3

May 7




May 21



Homework 4

June 4


Homework 5

We have a preference for typed solutions. If that is not possible, please be sure to write very clearly.

Class Mailing List

The mailing list ( is used to communicate important information that is relevant to all the students. Make sure that you are registered to it, by visiting this page.

The mailing list is also a very useful tool for collaboration and interaction between students. You are encouraged to post questions, thoughts, and ideas, that you believe would interest your fellow students.

Messages to the mailing list are stored in the archive.

Academic Integrity and Collaboration

You are allowed to collaborate with your classmates to the extent of formulating ideas. When it comes to writing up solutions, you should do this by yourself. No collaboration on the actual writing of homework solutions is allowed. On the homework you submit, please include a list of all the people that you discussed the problems with. Needless to say, you are expected to maintain the utmost level of academic integrity in the course.

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