CSE521 - Links and Resources
Dynamic Programming
Richard Bellman on the Birth of Dynamic Programming.
Linear Programming
book by Robert Vanderbei on Linear
Approximation Algorithms
Lecture Notes on Approximation Algorithms, Spring 1998. IBM
Research Report RC 21273, September 1998 that you can find on this page.
Randomized Graph Algorithms
- A New Approach to the Minimum Cut
Problem, Karger and Stein, 1996.
- A Randomized Linear-Time Algorithm to
Find Minimum Spanning Trees, Karger, Klein, and Tarjan, 1995.
- Randomization in Graph
Optimization Problems: A Survey, David Karger, 1998.
- David Karger's thesis: Random Sampling
in Graph Optimization Problems.
- David Karger's homepage and publications.
- Backwards Analysis of Randomized
Geometric Algorithms, Raimund Seidel, 1992
- Size-Estimation Framework with
Applications to Transitive Closure and Reachability, Edith Cohen,
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