This assignment has not yet been released. Its requirements are subject to change.

Final Project Proposal

Last revised: March 23, 2024


The goal of your project is to build an accessibility technology or make an existing technology more accessible.

Final Project Examples From Past Courses

Some examples of what people have done in the past include:

We have solicited project ideas from faculty, researchers and community members. They will be made available on the class discussion board

Learning Goals / Competencies

Required Competencies for this homework:

Other competencies, such as image description, depend on what you have in your proposal.


To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following

0. Brainstorm an Idea

In choosing this project, you may want to draw from personal expertise, literature, or user data should you have access to it. Your idea should have the following components.

Note on disability involvement in this project It is not feasible to do a full iterative design cycle in this project (and not necessarily an ethical use of the time of people with disabilities). However if you want to include data from interviewing, or testing with, people with disabilities, that is permissible. That said, your project should not unduly burden the disability community. Some projects may allow for direct collaboration with or feedback from people with disabilities, others may not. Please reach out to us for guidance on this if you intend to work with disabled participants.

1. Develop an Argument for The Idea

Your idea should be

2. Write About Your Proposal

Your write up should include the following information


Submit your write up on Canvas.