This assignment has not yet been released. Its requirements are subject to change.

Final Project Checkpoint

Last revised: March 23, 2024


Prepare a 3 to 4 slide in-class presentation to support a class conversation about the state of your project. This is an opportunity for feedback, and to practice presenting accessibly. At a minimum, include information about

  1. What you have done for this milestone
  2. How this compares to what you intended
  3. What you will do for your next milestone including any revisions to your plans
  4. Areas where you need advice/feedback.

Use this to engage us in a conversation that is useful to your project team.

Learning Goals / Competencies

This homework contributes to / will be assessed on

At least two other Competencies of your choice, selected as relevant.


In addition to a scheduled presentation slot, you should turn in:

  1. Your slides
  2. For each individual
    • The competencies you wish to be assessed on
    • Your role in achieving the competence
    • Any additional information specified in the rubric for that competency (i.e. anything we need to assess you on the competency)