Plain Language Summary

Last revised: March 24, 2024


The goal of this homework is to practice your text simplification skills

Learning Goals / Competencies

This homework may contribute to

Length & Difficulty

Students in the past have reported that this assignment takes an median of 4 hours (mode=3). However, in our experience many students have to make multiple attempts to fully meet the competency for analysis. It is recommended to carefully read the requirements for these competencies and related documentation

Some things students have told us about this assignment:

Writing well in text simplification is harder than I thought.

We do not yet have an example of the latest version of this assignment for this year.

1. Learn about text simplification and write a second summary in plain language

Read about plain language writing for accessibility and text simplification guidelines and check out examples at the plain truth project.

Please pick at least four guidelines (necessary for competence) or five (necessary for excellence) to focus on from the following list and state which four you picked. You can address more to reach a higher competency score (3).

2. Select a research paper and reproduce the abstract in plain language

You should pick one of the research papers assigned as a reading in class, or a paper of your own choosing (requires instructor approval).

It is important that you don’t try to redo the entire article as this will take a very long time.

Instead, use the 4 text simplification principals you picked to simplify the text from the article abstract.


This should be submitted on Canvas. Your writeup should include