Research Paper Analysis

Last revised: August 20, 2023


The goal of this homework is to apply a disability model/framework to analyzing a technology or service currently in use in the world. It is also helpful to your peers, it is due 2 days ahead of the lecture on that topic.

Learning Goals / Competencies

This homework may contribute to


To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following

0. Select an article to focus on.

You should pick one of the research papers assigned as a reading in class, or a paper of your own choosing (requires instructor approval).

1. Select and define three principals/models you will use to analyze it.

You may analyze and critique it using concepts such as

1. Read and summarize article on the topic you have selected.

Read your article and summarize it. Your summary should be about a two paragraphs long. The first paragraph should explain what the paper is about. The second paragraph should answer the following questions:

2. Analyze it from the perspective of the principles/models you chose

How did the article you chose address, or fail to address, your there principles?

For each principle


This should be shared with the class on the discussion board and submitted on Canvas. Your writeup should include