Final Project Deliverables
To complete your final project, you must provide two primary deliverables:
- A demonstration video (<= 2 minutes in length) that communicates your project goals and results. YouTube URL due on Canvas by 11:59pm, Wed 5/29.
- Your project results, typically an interactive visualization web page or (for studies) a ~4 page research report. Any documents, code, and website are due on GitLab by 11:59pm, Mon 6/4.
Publishing Results
If constructing a web-based visualization, your final project results should be published on GitLab pages. For such visualizations you are free to use any web-based library, including D3.js, Vega, Vega-Lite, Observable Plot, REGL, etc. Keep your source code (HTML markup, visualization JavaScript code, etc.) in the top-level of your GitLab repo. When ready to publish, place all necessary files in the "public" subfolder and publish it on GitLab pages.
If constructing a visualization for an environment other than the web (or avoiding publishing due to data sensitivity concerns), please post source code, running instructions, and any needed documentation to your GitLab repo. You must provide sufficient materials for the course staff to be able to launch and use your work. If there are any sensitive or proprietary materials you can not post to a private GitLab repo, contact the course staff to discuss an alternative arrangement.
If pursuing a research project in the form of a design study or experiment, please author a report roughly 4 pages in length, excluding references. (The exact length is not important so long as the document conveys your results effectively, but please do not go over 4 pages of non-bibliographic content.) The report could take the form of a conference paper PDF, or as a web page published using GitLab pages.
Video Presentation
In addition to your project results, each team must produce a short demonstration video (no longer than 2 minutes!) introducing your project. Your video must communicate the specific topic and goals of your project along with your work (typically, your running visualization designs). We expect most videos will use a mixture of static slides and interactive screen capture with overlaid narration. You might consider showing your web page as published on the web. Alternatively, you might create a stripped down version that removes extraneous text in favor of spoken narration, bringing more focus and screen space to your visualizations. The initial frame of your video should include your project name and your team members' names.
Be sure that your video communicates how your visualization designs or results enable a better understanding of your chosen topic. For example, do not simply enumerate various features you've implemented: focus on what viewers can learn from your visualization(s).
Please carefully read the video production guide for details on how to design and record your video. Your videos should be in MPEG4 (.mp4, .m4v) format. Use appropriate compression to ensure your video file is not unnecessarily large. You will post videos online, so we encourage you to put your best face forward to the world!
Your demo video must be published on YouTube. In addition you must submit a URL linking to your video on Gradescope by Wed 5/29, 11:59pm. We will have a video showcase during our last lecture session on Thu 5/30.
Submission Details
The URL for your final video must be submitted via Gradescope by Wed 5/29, 11:59pm. This is a strict submission time, as we will be sharing videos in class on Thu 5/30.
Your final project results must be submitted to your GitLab repo by Mon 6/3, 11:59pm. Submit the URLs for your project web page and repo via Gradescope.