Week 5 Readings
Reviews are due by 5pm April 24.
Optional (but highly recommended):
- Sheelagh Carpendale and Catherine Montagnese, A framework for unifying presentation space,
UIST 2001.
- G. Aptiz and F. Guimbreitiere, "CrossY: A Crossing-Based Drawing Application," UIST 2004.
CrossY web site (has a link
to the quicktime movie at the bottom of the page)
- Chris Stolte , Diane Tang, and Pat Hanrahan, "Multiscale Visualization Using Data Cubes,"
Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, October 2002.
(Best Paper Award)
Also see www.tableausoftware.com
- Ben Shneiderman,
Usability, CACM, May 2000.
- Stephanidis, C., Akoumianakis, D., Sfyrakis, M., & Paramythis, A.
accessibility in HCI: Process-oriented design
guidelines and tool requirements, Proceedings of
the 4th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All, Stockholm, Sweden,
October 1998.
Resources for Universal Accessibility
It's instructive to compare the "Accessible Web Page Design" guidelines
above with more general web usability heuristics, such as Jakob Nielsen's
Top Ten Mistakes of Web
Page Design and "Top Ten Mistakes"
Revisited Three Years Later.
There's a lot of overlap.