Elevator Control Panel Location

by Katarzyna Wilamowska

Problem Description

The placement of control elements (control panels) on the inner wall of the two main elevators of the PaulAllenCenter is mapped differently depending on the elevator chosen.  This leads to users never being sure whether to reach for the inner right-hand side or left-hand side to press their floor selection.


Possible design intentions

The most likely reason the control panels are placed on the inner wall of each elevator is efficient use of space and time.  With elevator controls placed between the two elevators, any repair or maintenance can be performed in one area. It would be also easy to imagine that such tasks can be parallelized to some degree.


Design flaw

The placement of the control panels within the elevator is mirrored in its twin. As a result, many of us in the CSE department have to either think very carefully as to which elevator we are entering, develop an involuntary movement of the head in both directions upon entering, or just reach for the control panel, knowing that 50% of the time we will be wrong as to the guessed placement of the control panel.



Over the last week, I have seen many students enter the elevator and either guess the location of the control panel incorrectly or perform an involuntary movement to check both sides of the elevator for the control panel.  (I did have to be sneaky about not informing the subjects until after they performed their task, since often once the problem was discussed, people were conscious of their elevator use.)


At the same time I have discussed the problem with a few other people, who claim “It’s easy, you just have to remember to reach to the middle.” referring to the column containing the elevator control. 


Possible Design Improvement

I don’t know what to recommend as a design improvement.  Perhaps having the control panel on the same side (ex. right-side) of each elevator would be helpful, but then the possible efficiency of maintenance and repair might be sacrificed.  So, the design becomes a question of what is more important.


My opinion

The placement of the controls to the middle, or towards the elevator controls, makes logical sense to me and I think it’s kind of cool.  My opinion drastically changes though, when I’m in a hurry or am absorbed with the great ideas of the universe.  It is only then, do I realize that I do devote conscious energy towards the proper use of the elevator, an object that is often considered part of our unconscious surroundings.



Steve B., Stef S., Steve S. – for being my involuntary proof of concept test subjects

Mark O. and Tyler R. – discussion of elevator design