Most of these papers should be available from the ACM digital library. Instead of searching through the site, it may be quicker just to search on the title using google - the official copy of the paper shows up as a top entry.
Stylus User Interfaces for Manipulating Text, Goldberg and Goodisman, UIST 1991
Touch-Typing with a Stylus, Goldberg and Richardson, Interchi'93 (1 page)
Quikwriting: Continuous Stylus-based Text Entry, Ken Perlin, UIST'98. Demo applet
February 5
Performance Evaluation of Input Devices in Trajectory-based Tasks: An Application of the Steering Law, Accott and Zhai, CHI 1999.
February 10
James Lin, Mark W. Newman, Jason I. Hong, and James A. Landay, "DENIM:
Finding a Tighter Fit Between Tools and Practice for Web Site Design."
In CHI Letters: Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2000, 2000.
2(1): pp. 510-517.
The Intelligent Classroom, Computers and Education, 38, (2002), 253-266. (pdf) (This is a paper describing a Classroom 2000 deployment at McGill University. This paper does a good job of presenting various challenges of deploying educational technology. The lecture will consider similar challenges in a distance learning setting.)
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