#lang racket ; This file contains a simple implementation of the congruence ; closure algorithm for deciding the satisfiability of a ; conjunction of literals in the theory of equality with uninterpreted functions. ; A node representing a subterm of a formula in the theory of ; uninterpreted functions with equality. (struct node (id fn children [find #:mutable] [ccp #:mutable]) #:methods gen:custom-write [(define (write-proc self port mode) (match self [(node id label children find ccp) (fprintf port "{~a label=~a children=~a find=~a ccp=~a}" id label (map node-id children) (node-id find) (set-map ccp node-id))]))]) ; Returns a dictionary mapping each subterm in F to its node representation. ; The procedure assumes F is a list of literals of the form (= term1 term2) or (!= term1 term2). (define (formula->graph F) (define g (make-hash)) (define (term->node t) (hash-ref! g t (lambda () (let ([n (match t [(list fn child ...) (node t fn (map term->node child) #f (set))] [name (node t name '() #f (set))])]) (set-node-find! n n) (for ([c (node-children n)]) (set-node-ccp! c (set-add (node-ccp c) n))) n)))) (for ([lit F]) (term->node (second lit)) (term->node (third lit))) g) ; Returns the representative for node n. (define (find n) (let ([f (node-find n)]) (if (equal? n f) n (find f)))) ; Performs the union operation over the representatives of n1 and n2. (define (union n1 n2) (let ([r1 (find n1)] [r2 (find n2)]) (set-node-find! r1 r2) (set-node-ccp! r2 (set-union (node-ccp r2) (node-ccp r1))) (set-node-ccp! r1 (set)))) ; Returns true if n1 and n2 have the label and their arguments ; are in the same congruence classes. (define (congruent? n1 n2) (and (equal? (node-fn n1) (node-fn n2)) (= (length (node-children n1)) (length (node-children n2))) (for/and ([c1 (node-children n1)] [c2 (node-children n2)]) (equal? (find c1) (find c2))))) ; Merges the equivalence classes of n1 and n2. (define (merge n1 n2) (let ([r1 (find n1)] [r2 (find n2)]) (unless (equal? r1 r2) (let ([p1 (node-ccp r1)] [p2 (node-ccp r2)]) (union r1 r2) (for* ([t1 p1][t2 p2] #:when (and (not (equal? (find t1) (find t2))) (congruent? t1 t2))) (merge t1 t2)))))) ; Returns a model if F is satisfiable. Otherwise returns #f. ; The procedure assumes F is a list of literals of the form ; (= term1 term2) or (!= term1 term). (define (decide F) (define g (formula->graph F)) (define (get t) (hash-ref g t)) (for ([lit F]) ; Compute the congruence closure over F's positive literals. (match lit [(list '= s t) (merge (get s) (get t))] [_ (void)])) (and (for/and ([lit F]) (match lit [(list '!= s t) (not (equal? (find (get s)) (find (get t))))] [_ #t])) (ccc->model g))) ; model if all negative literals are in different congruence classes. ; Takes dictionary representing congruence closure classes and constructs a model over a ; universe that is a finite set of naturals {0, ..., N} (define (ccc->model g) (define H (for/hash ([(k v) g]) ; terms -> congruence representatives (values k (node-id (find v))))) (define U ; Herbrand universe -> {0, ..., N} (for/hash ([(e i) (in-indexed (apply set (hash-values H)))]) (values e i))) (for/hash ([(t v) H]) ; Herbrand model -> model over U (values (match t [(list fn args ...) (cons fn (for/list ([a args]) (hash-ref U (hash-ref H a))))] [_ t]) (hash-ref U v)))) ; Interprets the T= formula F with respect to the interpretation ; I given as a dictionary. The universe of interpretation is implicit ; in the range of I. The interpretation of functions is enumerated explicitly. ; For example, if the universe is {e1, e2}, then the meaning of a function f over ; this universe is given as the mappings (f e1) -> ... and (f e2) -> ... (define (interpret F I) (define cache (make-hash)) (define (interpret-term t) (hash-ref! cache t (lambda () (match t [(list fn args ...) (hash-ref I (cons fn (map interpret-term args)))] [_ (hash-ref I t)])))) (for/and ([lit F]) (match lit [(list '= left right) (equal? (interpret-term left) (interpret-term right))] [(list '!= left right) (not (equal? (interpret-term left) (interpret-term right)))]))) (define F0 '((= (f a b) a) (!= (f (f a b) b) a))) (define F1 '((= (f (f (f a))) a) (= (f (f (f (f (f a))))) a) (!= (f a) a))) (define F2 '((= (f x) (f y)) (!= x y))) (define F3 '((= (f (g x)) (g (f x))) (= (f (g (f y))) x) (= (f y) x) (!= (g x) x))) (printf "F0 is unsat, so (decide F0) = ~a\n" (decide F0)) (printf "F1 is unsat, so (decide F1) = ~a\n" (decide F1)) (printf "F2 is sat, so (decide F2) =\n ~a\n" (pretty-format (decide F2))) (printf " Interpret F2 w.r.t. the model: ~a\n" (interpret F2 (decide F2))) (printf "F3 is sat, so (decide F3) =\n ~a\n" (pretty-format (decide F3))) (printf " Interpret F3 w.r.t. the model: ~a\n" (interpret F3 (decide F3)))