On this page:
5.1 SAT solving
5.2 SMT solving
5.3 Finite Model Finding
5.4 Verification
5.5 Bounded Verification
5.6 Symbolic Execution
5.7 Model Checking
5.8 Synthesis, Declarative Execution, and Fault Localization

5 Tools

The following is a partial list of state-of-the-art tools that implement the techniques covered in the course. It is designed to serve as inspiration for the kinds of tools you may want to use or build in the course project. Some of them will also be featured in the homework assignments.

5.1 SAT solving

5.2 SMT solving

5.3 Finite Model Finding

5.4 Verification

5.5 Bounded Verification

5.6 Symbolic Execution

5.7 Model Checking

5.8 Synthesis, Declarative Execution, and Fault Localization