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- 1
Tod Amon and Gaetano Borriello.
An approach to symbolic timing verification.
In Tau '92: 2nd International Workshop on Timing Issues in the
Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems, Princeton, NJ, March 1992.
- 2
Tod Amon and Gaetano Borriello.
An approach to symbolic timing verification.
In Proc. 29th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference, pages
410-413, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 1992.
- 3
Christoph Brzoska.
Temporal logic programming and its relation to constraint logic
In Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 1991 International
Symposium, pages 661-677, October 1991.
- 4
Michael M. Gorlick, Carl F. Kesselman, and Daniel A. Marottaand D. Stott
Mockingbird: A logical methodology for testing.
Journal of Logic Programming, 8(1 & 2):95-119, January/March
- 5
James A. Harland and Spiro Michaylov.
Implementing an ODE solver: a CLP approach.
Technical Report 87/92, Department of Computer Science, Monash
University, Victoria, Australia, June 1987.
- 6
Nevin Heintze, Spiro Michaylov, and Peter Stuckey.
) and some electrical engineering problems.
In Jean-Louis Lassez, editor, Logic Programming: Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference, pages 675-703, Melbourne, Victoria,
Australia, May 1987. MIT Press.
Also to appear in Journal of Automated Reasoning.
- 7
Nevin Heintze, Spiro Michaylov, Peter Stuckey, and Roland Yap.
On meta-programming in CLP(
In Ewing Lusk and Ross Overbeek, editors, Logic Programming:
Proceedings of the North American Conference, 1989, pages 52-68. MIT
Press, October 1989.
- 8
D. S. Homiak.
A constraint logic programming system for solving partial
differential equations with applications in options valuation.
Master's project, DePaul University, 1991.
- 9
Joseph C. Tobias II.
Knowledge representation in the Harmony intelligent tutoringsystem.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of
California at Los Angeles, 1988.
- 10
Joxan Jaffar and Jean-Louis Lassez.
Constraint logic programming.
In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages, Munich, Germany, pages 111-119. ACM, January 1987.
- 11
Joxan Jaffar, Michael Maher, Peter Stuckey, and Roland Yap.
Output in CLP(
In Proceedings of the 1992 Conference on Fifth Generation
Computer Systems, Tokyo, 1992.
- 12
Joxan Jaffar and Spiro Michaylov.
Methodology and implementation of a CLP system.
In Jean-Louis Lassez, editor, Logic Programming: Proceedings of
the 4th International Conference, pages 196-218, Melbourne, Australia, May
1987. MIT Press.
Revised version of Monash University technical report number 86/75,
November 1986.
- 13
Joxan Jaffar, Spiro Michaylov, Peter J. Stuckey, and Roland H. C. Yap.
The CLP(
) language and system.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS),
14(3):339-395, July 1992.
- 14
Joxan Jaffar, Spiro Michaylov, and Roland Yap.
A methodology for managing hard constraints in CLP systems.
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming
Language Design and Implementation, pages 306-316, Toronto, Canada, June
- 15
Sivand Lakmazaheri and William J. Rasdorf.
Constraint logic programming for the analysis and partial synthesis
of truss structures.
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis, and
Manufacturing, 3(3):157-173, 1989.
- 16
Catherine Lassez, Ken McAloon, and Roland Yap.
Constraint logic programming and options trading.
IEEE Expert, Special Issue on Financial Software, 2(3):42-50,
August 1987.
- 17
T.G. Lindholm and R. A. O'Keefe.
Efficient implementation of a defensible semantics for dynamic prolog
In Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 4th International
Conference, pages 21-39. MIT Press, May 1987.
- 18
Igor Mozetic and Christian Holzbaur.
Integrating numerical and qualitative models within constraint logic
In Logic Programming: Proceedings of the 1991 International
Symposium, pages 678-693, October 1991.
- 19
A. Schrijver.
Theory of Linear and Integer Programming.
Wiley and Sons, 1986.
- 20
L. Sterling and E. Y. Shapiro.
The Art of Prolog.
MIT Press, 1986.
- 21
T. Sthanusubramonian.
A transformational approach to configuration design.
Master's thesis, Engineering Design Research Center, Carnegie Mellon
University, 1991.
- 22
Roland Yap Hock Chuan.
Restriction site mapping in CLP(
In Koichi Furukawa, editor, Proceedings of the Eighth
International Conference on Logic Programming, pages 521-534, Paris,
France, June 1991. MIT Press.
- 23
Ricky Yeung.
Mpl - a graphical programming environment for matrix processing based
on logic and constraints.
In IEEE Workshop of Visual Languages, pages 137-143. IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1988.
- 24
Edward K. Yu.
MODIC: A program for model-based diagnosis that uses constraint
logic programming.
Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of South
Carolina (Columbia), 1991.
Alan Borning
Fri Oct 8 12:51:18 PDT 1999