. If you are having a problem with
the machine not being able to open smalltalk, try the following
procedure with the executable named Vw.exe
And Smalltalk should start up. Then go to the Environment Setup Information to set up smalltalk (THIS IS CRUCIAL). The information here is about changing the settings (THIS IS CRUCIAL) and on saving/reading ("filing out" and "filing in") your code. (These pages are from earlier classes, when Smalltalk was run under NT 3.51. But the Smalltalk part itself should be the same.) The following material is an example of using smalltalk to build a stack.
This will bring up the Scheme interpreter.
(You may want to put /cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/mit-scheme-7.3/bin in your search path, in which case you can just type scheme to run it.)
To use Scheme from EMACS, you should add the following function to your .emacs file:
(defun mit-scheme () (interactive) (load "/cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/mit-scheme-7.3/lib/emacs/lisp/xscheme.el") (load "/cse/courses/cse505/97au/software/scheme-mode.el") (run-scheme "/cse/courses/misc_lang/axp/mit-scheme-7.3/bin/scheme"))Now you can start MIT Scheme by typing Meta-x mit-scheme in EMACS.
This will bring up the Standard ML interpreter. control-d exits.
This will bring up the Haskell interpreter. control-d exits.
The versions installed are:
ML 109.30 (sml)
Haskell 1.4 (hugs-1.4)
Mit scheme 7.3 (mit-scheme-7.3)