Papers for CSE 505
Papers Distributed in Class
- David Turner, "An Overview of Miranda," SIGPLAN Notices Vol 21 No 12,
Dec 1986, pages 158-166.
- David Turner, "A New Implementation Technique for Applicative
Languages," Software--Practice and Experience, Vol 9, 1979, pages
- Peter Nauer (ed.), "Report on the Algorithmic Language ALGOL 60,"
CACM, Vol 6 No 1, 1963, pages 1-17.
- Xerox Learning Research Group, "The Smalltalk-80 System," Byte,
Vol 6 No 8, August 1981, pages 36-48.
- Alan Snyder, "Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented
Languages," OOPSLA 86.
- Ungar and Smith, "SELF: The Power of Simplicity," Lisp & Symbolic Computation, 1991.
- Craig Chambers, "Object-Oriented Multi-methods in Cecil," ECOOP 92.
- Luca Cardelli, "A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance," Semantics of Data
Types, 1984.
- Peter Canning, William Cook, Walter Hill, and Walter Olthoff,
"F-Bounded Polymorphism for Object-Oriented Programming", Fourth
International Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer
Architecture, ACM, 1989.
- Gilad Bracha and David Griswold, "Strongtalk: Typechecking Smalltalk in
a Production Environment", OOPSLA 93.
- Bjorn Freeman-Benson and Alan Borning, "Integrating Constraints with
an Object-Oriented Language," Proceedings of the 1992 European Conference
on Object-Oriented Programming, June 1992, pages 268-286.
- Gus Lopez, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, and Alan Borning, "Implementing
Constraint Imperative Programming Languages: the Kaleidoscope'93 Virtual
Machine," Proceedings of the 1994 ACM Conference on Object-Oriented
Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, Portland, Oregon, October
- Joxan Jaffar, Spiro Michaylov, Peter Stuckey, and Roland Yap, "The
CLP(R) Language and System," ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and
Systems, July 1992, Vol. 14 No. 3, pages 339-395.
Optional Papers Available in 4th Floor Filing Cabinet
- SIGPLAN Notices, Special issue on Haskell, Vol 27 No 5, May 1992.
- Robin Milner, "A Theory of Type Polymorphism in Programming,"
Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Vol 17, 1978, pages 348-375.
- Donald Knuth, "The Remaining Trouble Spots in ALGOL 60,"
CACM, Vol 10 No 10, 1967, pages 611-617.
- Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, "Simula--an ALGOL-Based
Simulation Language," CACM Vol 9 No 9, September 1966, pages 671-678.
- Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg, "Personal Dynamic Media,"
IEEE Computer, March 1977.
- Peter Deutsch, "Building Control Structures in Smalltalk-80," Byte,
Vol 6 No 8, August 1981, pages 322-346.
- Alan Borning, "Classes versus Prototypes in Object-Oriented Languages,"
Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Fall Joint Computer Conference, Dallas, Texas,
November 1986, ages 36-40.
- Alan Borning, " Alan Borning and Tim O'Shea,
``An Empirically and Aesthetically
Motivated Simplification of Smalltalk-80,'' Proceedings of the European
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Association Francaise pour
la Cybernetique Economique et Technique, Paris, June 1987, pages
- Smith, Lentczner, Smith, Taivalsaari, Ungar,
"Prototype Based Languages: Object Lessons from Class-Free Programming,"
Panel Discussion, OOPSLA 94, pages 102-112.
- Henry Lieberman, "Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared
Behavior in Object Oriented Systems,"
OOPSLA 86, pages 214-223.
- Alan Borning and Daniel H. H. Ingalls, "Multiple Inheritance in
Smalltalk-80," American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 1982, pages 234-237.
- Daniel Ingalls, "A Simple Technique for Handling Multiple Polymorphism,"
OOPSLA 86, pages 347-349.
- William Cook, Walter Hill, and Peter Canning, "Inheritance is Not
Subtyping", POPL (ACM Principles of Programming Languages Conference),
- Craig Chambers and Gary Leavens, "Typechecking and Modules for
Multi-Methods", OOPSLA'94.