Object Oriented Languages
Notes and Code
Language Overviews
Notes on object-oriented programming
and on Simula, the first object-oriented language
Smalltalk Notes
Sample Smalltalk graphics code
Haikus which reflect the Smalltalk
General Issues/Controversies in Object Oriented Languages
Prototype-based Languages
Exception Handling
Exception handling in Smalltalk-80, as well as in Ada and other languages.
Implementation Inheritance
Multiple Dispatch
Types in Object Oriented Languages
Bounded Polymorphism
Interesting Links to Real Research
Object-Oriented Information Sources
Has links to many other pages, and also a search mechanism.
Self Project:
For info about the Stanford Self language, a prototype based object
oriented language.
Cecil: For info on our department's very own Cecil project.
Emerald: Object/process mobility for distributed systems.
and Smalltalk: This paper examines the social and political
influences on the development of the Simula and Smalltalk languages.
Gail Murphy and David Notkin, "The Interaction Between Static Typing and
Frameworks." A paper on the interactions between the contravariant and
covariant rules and software reuse.