-- Lecture 02 namespace more_intro -- In the last lecture we introduced you to the primitives of Lean's *inductive* -- types. Lean's mechanism for creating data types. -- We defined our own versions of `bool`, and `nat` in the previous lecture, but -- Lean has already defined them for us with extra goodies. -- VSCode (and Emacs) will allow you to hover over the interaction points -- (marked by squiggles) below. #check bool #check nat #print bool #print nat -- The above calls to print show that the defined very similarly to the way we -- defined them in `lec01`. -- VSCode also allows you to go-to-definition on any Lean symbol (show example). -- The standard library's provides many definitions for the built in types, -- for example `bool`s have useful operators defined for them, for example -- `x && y` for logical and. #check tt #check ff -- Try to also hover over the operator `&&` you should be able to see its -- English name. This feature works for all operators in Lean, if you ever want -- to know the underlying definition of an operator, just hover. #check (tt && ff) #check (tt || ff) -- The standard library's natural numbers also can be written as numeric -- literals, as well as many operators. -- -- i.e `0`, `1000`, and operators. #eval (1 + 2) #eval (10 + 11) #check (1 + 2) #check 1 namespace last_lecture -- In the last lecture we defined a list type like the one below, as stated above Lean -- also defines `list` for us. inductive list (t : Type) : Type | nil {} : list | cons : t → list → list end last_lecture -- We will use the builtin List type for the rest of the course, as it provides -- many useful definitions and theorems. -- -- If you want to see the definition of `list` simply cmd or ctrl click on the type. /-- Compute the length of a list. -/ def length {t : Type} : list t → nat | list.nil := nat.zero | (list.cons x xs) := nat.succ (length xs) namespace learn_open -- Typing out the full namespace for constructors can get annoying quickly. -- It would be nice if we could just make those names availble in our current scope. -- We can use the `open` keyword to bring all the names contianed in a namespaces -- into scope. -- For example to open `list. open list #check (cons 1 nil) #eval (length (list.cons 1 list.nil)) #eval (length (list.cons 2 (list.cons 1 list.nil))) end learn_open -- When we close a namespace the names opened are no longer availble, for -- example this now fails: #check cons -- For `list` we actually get some nice syntax, so we don't need to constantly -- open the namespace. #check [] -- empty list #check [1,2,3] -- list with 1,2,3 #check 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [] -- list with 1,2,3 def countdown : nat → list nat | 0 := [0] | (m + 1) := (m + 1) :: (countdown m) #eval (countdown 0) #eval (countdown 1) #eval (countdown 3) #eval (countdown 10) -- We can even pattern match using `list` syntax. /-- Apply a function `f : a → b` to a `list a`, produce a new list of type `list b` containing the elements from the first list transformed by `f`. -/ def map {a b: Type} (f: a → b) : list a → list b | [] := list.nil | (x :: xs) := (f x) :: (map xs) #eval (map (+ 1) (countdown 3)) #eval (map (λ _, tt) (countdown 3)) def is_zero : nat → bool | 0 := tt | (m + 1) := ff #eval (map is_zero (countdown 3)) def is_even : nat → bool | 0 := tt | 1 := ff | ((m + 1) + 1) := is_even m #eval (map is_even (countdown 3)) lemma map_length_invariant : forall (a b : Type) (f : a → b) (l : list a), length (map f l) = length l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [length], reflexivity }, { simp [map, length], congr, assumption } end /- What is induction doing here? Essentially, we're giving a function for how to transform a value of the type we're inducting over into a proof of the goal. The function shows how to do it for *any* value of the type we're inducting over. Think of it as telling you how to replace the nodes in the tree representing a value given the ability to replace all its child nodes. -/ def compose {a b c : Type} (f : b → c) (g : a → b) (x : a) : c := f (g x) lemma map_map_compose: forall (a b c: Type) (g: a → b) (f : b -> c) (l : list a), map f (map g l) = map (compose f g) l := begin intros ; induction l, { simp [map] }, { simp [map], rw ih_1, reflexivity } end def foldr {a b : Type} (f : a → b → b) : list a → b → b | list.nil b := b | (list.cons x xs) b := f x (foldr xs b) -- (** -- foldr f (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil))) x -- --> -- f 1 (f 2 (f 3 x)) -- *) #check (+) #eval (foldr (+) (countdown 10) 0) #eval (foldr (+) (countdown 10) 0) def fact : nat → nat | 0 := 1 | (m + 1) := nat.mul (m + 1) (fact m) #eval (fact 0). #eval (fact 1). #eval (fact 2). #eval (fact 3). #eval (fact 4). def fact' : nat → nat | 0 := 1 | (nat.succ m) := foldr (nat.mul) (map (+1) (countdown m)) 1 #eval (fact' 0). #eval (fact' 1). #eval (fact' 2). #eval (fact' 3). #eval (fact' 4). lemma fact_fact': forall n, fact n = fact' n := begin -- challenge problem -- hint: you will probably want to define a helper lemma end -- (** we can also define map using fold *) def map' {a b : Type} (f : a → b) (l : list a) : list b := foldr (λ x acc, (f x) :: acc) l [] lemma map_map': forall (a b : Type) (f: a → b) (l : list a), map f l = map' f l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [map, map'], trivial }, { simp [map, map', foldr] at *, congr, rw ih_1, } end. -- We can add another flavor of fold which goes from left. def foldl (A B: Type) (f: A → B → B) : list A → B → B | [] b := b | (x :: xs) b := foldl xs (f x b) def append {a : Type} : list a → list a → list a | [] l2 := l2 | (x :: xs) l2 := x :: (append xs l2) #eval (append [1,2,3]) lemma app_nil : forall (a : Type) (l : list a), append l [] = l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [append] }, { simp [append] at *, rw ih_1 } end theorem app_assoc: forall (a : Type) (l1 l2 l3: list a), append (append l1 l2) l3 = append l1 (append l2 l3) := begin intros ; induction l1, { simp [append] at * }, { simp [append] at *, rw ih_1 } end -- (** simple but inefficient way to reverse a list *) def reverse {a : Type} : list a → list a | [] := [] | (x :: xs) := append (reverse xs) [x] #eval (countdown 5) #eval (reverse (countdown 5)) -- (** tail recursion is faster, but more complicated *) def fast_rev_aux {a : Type} : list a → list a → list a | [] acc := acc | (x :: xs) acc := fast_rev_aux xs (x :: acc) def fast_rev {a : Type} (l : list a) : list a := fast_rev_aux l [] -- We now want to prove that our optimization to `reverse` -- did not change the behavior of it in anyway. theorem rev_eq_fast_rev_fail : forall a (l : list a), fast_rev l = reverse l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [fast_rev, fast_rev_aux, reverse] }, { simp [fast_rev, fast_rev_aux, reverse] at *, -- this looks like it could be trouble... -- STUCK! need to know about the rev_aux accumulator (acc) -- TIP: if your IH seems weak, try proving something more general } end. lemma fast_rev_aux_ok_fail: forall A (l1 l2: list A), fast_rev_aux l1 l2 = append (reverse l1) l2 := begin intros, induction l1, { reflexivity, } { simp [fast_rev_aux], -- STUCK AGAIN! need to know for *any* l2 -- TIP: if your IH seems weak, only intro up to the -- var you are inducting over } end lemma fast_rev_aux_ok: forall (a : Type) (l1 l2: list a), fast_rev_aux l1 l2 = append (reverse l1) l2 := begin intros a l1, induction l1 ; intros, { simp [fast_rev_aux, append, reverse] }, { simp [fast_rev_aux, append, reverse] at *, rw ih_1, rw app_assoc, reflexivity } end lemma fast_rev_rev_ok: forall a (l: list a), fast_rev l = reverse l := begin intros, simp [fast_rev, fast_rev_aux_ok, app_nil], end. /-- Add an element to the end of a list. -/ def snoc {a : Type} : list a → a → list a | [] x := [x] | (y :: ys) x := y :: (snoc ys x). theorem snoc_app_singleton: forall A (l: list A) (x: A), snoc l x = append l (x :: []) := begin intros, induction l, { simp [snoc, append] }, { simp [snoc, append, ih_1] }, end theorem app_snoc_l: forall A (l1: list A) (l2: list A) (x: A), append (snoc l1 x) l2 = append l1 (x :: l2) := begin intros, induction l1, { simp [append, snoc] }, { simp [append, snoc, ih_1] } end. theorem app_snoc_r: forall A (l1: list A) (l2: list A) (x: A), append l1 (snoc l2 x) = snoc (append l1 l2) x := begin intros ; induction l1, { simp [append, snoc] }, { simp [append, snoc, ih_1] } end. /- A simple but inefficient way to reverse a list. -/ def rev_snoc {a : Type} : list a → list a | [] := [] | (x :: xs) := snoc (rev_snoc xs) x lemma fast_rev_aux_ok_snoc: forall (a : Type) (l1 l2 : list a), fast_rev_aux l1 l2 = append (rev_snoc l1) l2 := begin intros a l1 ; induction l1 ; intros, { simp [fast_rev_aux, append, rev_snoc] }, { simp [fast_rev_aux, rev_snoc, snoc, app_snoc_l, ih_1] } end. lemma fast_rev_ok_snoc: forall (a : Type) (l : list a), fast_rev l = rev_snoc l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [fast_rev, fast_rev_aux, rev_snoc] }, { simp [fast_rev, fast_rev_aux_ok_snoc, app_nil] } end lemma length_app: forall (a : Type) (l1 l2: list a), length (append l1 l2) = (length l1) + (length l2) := begin intros ; induction l1, { simp [length, append] }, { simp [length, append, ih_1] } end. lemma one_plus_n_succ_n : forall n, 1 + n = nat.succ n := begin intros n, induction n, { simp }, { simp [ih_1] } end lemma rev_length: forall (a : Type) (l : list a), length (reverse l) = length l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [reverse] }, { simp [reverse, length_app, length, one_plus_n_succ_n, ih_1] } end. lemma rev_app: forall (a : Type) (l1 l2: list a), reverse (append l1 l2) = append (reverse l2) (reverse l1) := begin intros, induction l1, { simp [reverse, append, app_nil] }, { simp [ih_1, reverse, append, app_assoc] } end. lemma rev_involutive: forall (a : Type) (l: list a), reverse (reverse l) = l := begin intros, induction l, { simp [reverse, append] }, { simp [reverse, append, rev_app, ih_1] } end. -- SYNTAX -- We can define a programming language as an inductive datatype. /-- E ::= N | V | E + E | E * E | E ? E -/ inductive exp : Type | const : nat -> exp | var : string -> exp | add : exp -> exp -> exp | mul : exp -> exp -> exp | cmp : exp -> exp -> exp /-- S ::= Skip | V <- E | S ;; S | IF E THEN S ELSE S | WHILE E {{ S }} -/ inductive stmt : Type | skip : stmt | assign : string → exp → stmt | seq : stmt → stmt → stmt | cond : exp → stmt → stmt → stmt | while : exp → stmt → stmt -- Programs are just elements of type stmt. open stmt open exp def prog_skip : stmt := skip def prog_set_x : stmt := assign "x" (const 1) def prog_incr_x_forever : stmt := while (const 1) (assign "x" (const 1)) def prog_xth_fib_in_y : stmt := seq (assign "y" (const 0)) ( seq (assign "y0" (const 1)) ( seq (assign "y1" (const 0)) ( seq (assign "i" (const 0)) ( (while (cmp (var "i") (var "x")) ( seq (assign "y" (add (var "y0") (var "y1"))) ( seq (assign "y0" (var "y1")) ( seq (assign "y1" (var "y")) ( (assign "i" (add (var "i") (const 1) ))))) )))))) -- nobody wants to write programs like this, -- so Lean provides various notation mechanisms instance coe_int_to_expr : has_coe nat exp := ⟨ const ⟩ instance coe_string_to_expr : has_coe string exp := ⟨ var ⟩ local infixl `<+>`:84 := add local infixl `<*>`:85 := mul local infix ``:83 := cmp local infix `<=`:82:= assign local infixr `;;`:81 := seq notation `IF` c `THEN` t:45 `ELSE` e:45 := ite c t e notation `WHILE`:80 X `{{` Y `}}` := while X Y def prog_fib : stmt := "y" <= (0:nat) ;; "y0" <= (0:nat) ;; "y1" <= (0:nat) ;; "i" <= (0:nat) ;; WHILE ("i" "x") {{ "y" <= "y0" <+> "y1" ;; "y0" <= "y1" ;; "y1" <= "y" ;; "i" <= "i" <+> (1:nat) }} -- set_option pp.notation false -- #print prog_fib -- Notation provides us with "concrete" syntax which -- "desugars" to the underlying "abstract syntax tree". def num_consts : exp → nat | (exp.const _) := 1 | (exp.var _) := 0 | (exp.add e1 e2) := num_consts e1 + num_consts e2 | (exp.mul e1 e2) := num_consts e1 + num_consts e2 | (exp.cmp e1 e2) := (num_consts e1) + num_consts e2 meta def simp_coe := `[unfold coe lift_t has_lift_t.lift coe_t has_coe_t.coe coe_b has_coe.coe, try { dsimp * at * }] lemma has_3_consts : ∃ e, num_consts e = 3 := begin existsi ((1:nat) <+> (2:nat) <+> (3:nat)), simp_coe, simp [num_consts], end def expr_with_n_consts : nat → exp | 0 := "x" | (nat.succ m) := (0:nat) <+> expr_with_n_consts m lemma has_n_consts: ∀ (n:nat), ∃ e, num_consts e = n := begin intros, existsi (expr_with_n_consts n), induction n, { simp [expr_with_n_consts], simp_coe, simp [num_consts] }, { simp [expr_with_n_consts], simp_coe, simp [num_consts], rw ih_1 } end def has_const : exp → bool | (const _) := tt | (exp.var _) := ff | (exp.add e1 e2) := has_const e1 || has_const e2 | (exp.mul e1 e2) := has_const e1 || has_const e2 | (exp.cmp e1 e2) := has_const e1 || has_const e2 def has_var : exp → bool | (const _) := ff | (exp.var _) := tt | (exp.add e1 e2) := has_var e1 || has_var e2 | (exp.mul e1 e2) := has_var e1 || has_var e2 | (exp.cmp e1 e2) := has_var e1 || has_var e2 lemma expr_bottoms_out: forall e, (has_const e) || (has_var e) = tt := begin intros, induction e, case exp.const { simp [has_const], }, case exp.var { simp [has_const, has_var], }, case exp.add e1 e2 { destruct (has_const e1) ; intros, { simp [has_const, has_var, *] at * }, { destruct (has_const e2) ; intros, simp [has_const, has_var] at *, rewrite a_1 at ih_2, cases ih_2, contradiction, rw a at ih_1, simp [ih_1, *], simp [has_const], simp [a, a_1], }, }, case exp.mul e1 e2 { destruct (has_const e1) ; intros, { simp [has_const, has_var, *] at * }, { destruct (has_const e2) ; intros, simp [has_const, has_var] at *, rewrite a_1 at ih_2, cases ih_2, contradiction, rw a at ih_1, simp [ih_1, *], simp [has_const], simp [a, a_1], }, }, case exp.cmp e1 e2 { destruct (has_const e1) ; intros, { simp [has_const, has_var, *] at * }, { destruct (has_const e2) ; intros, simp [has_const, has_var] at *, rewrite a_1 at ih_2, cases ih_2, contradiction, rw a at ih_1, simp [ih_1, *], simp [has_const], simp [a, a_1], }, }, end -- THE ABOVE PROOF IS VERY BAD. Make it better! -- Hint: think about how to rearrange the orbs. /- Some Interesting Types -/ section my_little_types inductive true : Prop | intro : true inductive false : Prop lemma bogus : false → 1 = 2 := begin intros, cases a, end lemma also_bogus : 1 = 2 → false := begin intros, cases a, end inductive yo : Prop | yolo : yo → yo lemma yoyo : yo → false := begin intros, cases a, -- Well, that didn't work induction a, assumption end end my_little_types end more_intro