CSE 505 - Project

One of the course requirements is a project on a programming language issue of student's choosing. The project can either just involve reading and discussing papers, or can also have an implementation component. You choose the topic - we'll give some feedback on your initial proposal. Students may work individually or in pairs (somewhat more work will be expected from a pair). Please feel free to use the cse505 mailing list to look for project partners.

Deliverable: 10-15 page paper, and optionally a short presentation in class. Think of the expected work as about 4-5 homeworks worth.

Short project proposal due Nov 19. This should be a short e-mail message to Alan, Vass, and Todd describing the topic, the sources you plan to use, and the format (for example, a paper discussing one language, a comparative languages paper, or an implementation project and accompanying paper). We'll send feedback on this proposal. If you send the proposal sooner we'll send feedback sooner; preliminary inquiries are also welcome.

Paper due Dec 12.


There is great flexibility in choice of topic - pick something that interests you, or that will potentially feed into your graduate research. Below are a few suggestions; I'll add to this list if appropriate.

Literature sources: relevant journals include ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Constraints, Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (and formerly Journal of Logic Programming), and others. Relevant conference proceedings include various ACM SIGPLAN conferences, IEEE-sponsored conferences, and standalone conferences such as the International Conference on Logic Programming, and Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. Also see the 505 Useful Links page.

Last updated: October 20, 2001.