CSE 505 - Autumn 2001 - Schedule
- Week 1, Oct 1-5
- Introduction and overview, programming languages history
- CLP(R)
- CLP(R)
- Week 2, Oct 8-12
- Week 3, Oct 15-19
- HAL (a modern CLP language)
- Haskell
- Haskell
- Week 4, Oct 22-26
- Haskell
- Haskell; normal vs. applicative order evaluation
- Motivation for language theory; untyped lambda calculus
- Week 5, Oct 29-Nov 2
- Untyped lambda calculus; operational semantics: semantics of
lazy vs. eager evaluation
- Untyped lambda calculus continued
- Simple typed lambda calculus (no polymorphism)
- Week 6, Nov 5-9
- Soundness of the simple typed lambda calculus
- Formal semantics workshop
- Midterm (could include anything up to but not including
simple typed lambda calculus and polymorphic type systems)
- Week 7, Nov 12-16
- Nov 12 - Veteran's Day holiday
- Pizza (prerequisite: Java - learn on your own if necessary)
- Pizza
- Week 8, Nov 19-23
- Squeak and pure object-oriented languages
- Squeak
- Nov 23 - Thanksgiving holiday
- Week 9, Nov 26-30
- Polymorphic type systems
- Polymorphic type systems
- Object-oriented type systems
- Week 10, Dec 3-7
- Week 11, Dec 10-12
- Constraints for interactive graphics
- Project presentations: Tao Xie, Adrien Treuille and Bill Pentney,
Andrei Alexandrescu
- Additional project presentations Dec 13, starting 3:30 pm in Sieg 322:
- Kevin Sikorski 3:30
- Aaron Shon and Seth Bridges 3:45
- Xin Dong and Pradeep Shenoy 4:00
- [break 4:15-4:30]
- Maya Rodrig 4:30
- Mira Dontcheva 4:45
- Konrad Lorincz 5:00
- Final: Friday Dec 14, 2:30-4:20