CSE 505 - Constraint Logic Programming
- Kim Marriott and Peter Stuckey, Programming with
Constraints. Skim chapters 1-3, read chapters 4-6. Two copies of
this book are on reserve in the Engineering Library.
- Maria Garcia de la Banda, David Jeffery, Kim Marriott, Nickolas
Nethercode, Peter Stuckey, and Christian Holzbaur, "Building Constraint
Solvers with HAL," to appear in Proceedings of the International
Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) Cyprus, November 2001.
Postcript file.
There is also a copy of this
file on tahiti on ~borning/505/hal-iclp-2001.ps
- Optional: Bart Demoen, Maria Garcia de la Banda, Warwick Harvey, Kim
Marriott, and Peter Stuckey, "An Overview of HAL," in Proceedings of
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, October 1999.
Linked from the HAL
homepage. There is also a copy of this
file on tahiti on ~borning/505/hal-cp-1999.ps
- Optional: Thom Fruwirth, "Theory and Practice of Constraint Handling
Rules," Journal of Logic Programming (Special Issue on Constraint
Logic Programming), Vol 37(1-3), October 1998.
Linked from Thom
Fruwirth's CHR page. There is also a copy on tahiti on
We'll discuss the two Garcia de la Banda and Fruwirth papers in class October
15. Please read the required paper before class (and if you are so
inclined the optional ones).
Assignment: please post a one or two-paragraph review of the "Building
Constraint Solvers with HAL" on the 505
HAL ePost bulletin board. This is due before class on Oct 15. Your
review should describe the main points that the article tries to make.
Also, describe what you liked, disliked, found interesting or found
unclear. Please do your own review before reading the reviews of others;
but after you post your review, please do feel free to browse, and add
replies if you are so inclined. The reviews for 505 will be graded
credit/no credit, so don't agonize over them.
Slides from lectures
These are in Powerpoint format.
The Powerpoint slides are adapted from Peter Stuckey's slides - the
originals available at http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~pjs/book/course.html)
Other Material