CSE503 will cover a set of topics central to software engineering including formal requirements and specifications, design, testing and analysis, software quality, evolution, reverse engineering, and reuse, etc. The intention is to learn about various approaches to improving software and software development practices, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of these approaches. As part and parcel of this, I will try to convey my views of the directions that I expect software engineering practice and software engineering research to take over the next decade.
The course work consists of three basic parts:
Note that there is no large development project. I expect that you have had some experience in developing group projects, even if only for university courses. At a minimum, if you don't have prior experience, skim virtually any software engineering text; one that I recommend slightly above the others is Fundamentals of Software Engineering by Ghezzi, Jazayeri and Mandrioli.
Kingsum Chow (kingsum@cs.washington.edu
) is our TA. I will
announce office hours soon. In any case, feel free to make
appointments to see me outside office hours using email, voice mail or
stopping by. My email addresses is notkin@cs.washington.edu
my office is Sieg 414, respectively, my phone number is 685-3798.