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CSE503, Software Engineering
Spring 1996
D. Notkin
Assignment #2
3 April 1996
Due: 8 April 1996
- For three programs determine as accurately as possible (a) the
age of the program and (b) the number of people who have been involved
in writing and modifying it. Each program must be more than two years
old, must have had three or more people involved, and you must not
have been involved in writing or modifying the program. State how you
determined your answers.
- In one page or less of text, argue why developing and
maintaining shrinkwrap software (such as that produced by Microsoft,
Adobe, etc.) is different from developing and maintaining ``contract''
software (such as that produced by Boeing, EDS, etc.).
- Barry Boehm wrote:
Ideally, one would like to have a complete, consistent, validated,
unambiguous, machine-independent specification before proceeding to
software design. However, the requirements are not really validated
until it is determined that the resulting system can be built for a
reasonable cost-and to do so requires developing one or more
software designs
Do you agree or disagree with the first sentence? Why or why not? Do
you agree or disagree with the second sentence? Why or why not?
David Notkin
Fri Apr 5 10:05:23 PST 1996