Write these up and submit them to Canvas, the day before the lecture. =========================================================================== Please include in your write up commentaries of both papers: * An Analysis of Patch Plausibility and Correctness for Generate-and-Validate Patch Generation Systems * Angelix: Scalable Multiline Program Patch Synthesis via Symbolic Analysis =========================================================================== 1. Define the following terms: * Implausible patch * Plausible patch * Correct patch Write a two-sentence answer to the following questions: 2. Describe two major challenges for generate-and-validate program repair. 3. How does Angelix avoid these challenges? 4. In the introduction of the Angelix paper, the authors say that search-based and semantics-based repair are "somewhat analogous" to "search-based testing and symbolic execution-based testing". Describe one way in which this analogy is true, and one way in which it isn't quite accurate. 5. Name one thing that the GenProg authors did **right** in their evaluation and one thing that the GenProg authors did **wrong**. (Hint: why was it possible for Qi et al. to write the paper you read today?) =========================================================================== Answer the following questions: 6. What was the most confusing part or parts of the reading? Why? 7. How much time did you spend on this assignment? =========================================================================== end.