Write these up and submit them to Canvas, the day before the lecture. =========================================================================== Please include in your write up a commentary of the paper: A systematic study of automated program repair: Fixing 55 out of 105 bugs for $8 each =========================================================================== Write a two-sentence answer to each of the following questions: 1. What are GenProg's distinct components and what are the inputs and outputs of each? 2. Which of these components do you think contributes the most to GenProg's success? Why? 3. Which of these components do you think contributes the least to GenProg's success? Why? 4. Briefly summarize GenProg's evaluation and conclusions, and reason about generalizability (w.r.t. section VI). =========================================================================== Answer the following questions: 5. What was the most confusing part or parts of the reading? Why? 6. How much time did you spend on this assignment? =========================================================================== end.