CSE503 Winter 2013: Software Engineering

David Notkin • MGH 271 • 10:30-11:50am Tuesday and Thursday

Basics • Required Work • Readings and Responses • Project Information • Lecture Information


Required Work

Readings and Responses

Software engineering background readings (#1)
Software engineering background responses: due Friday January 11th at 4:30PM (5% of course grade)

Write a 2-3 page scholarly assessment of what people "got right" and "got wrong" about software engineering through around 1980. That is, based on literature (likely starting with the above, but with more through following citations, searches, asking Notkin, etc.) (a) identify some assumptions or conclusions upon which people based their perceptions of software engineering, and (b) document why in 2013 there is evidence that they were correct or incorrect.

Software engineering background readings (#2)

Project Information

Project #1 has two options.

A proposal (informal, by email) is required by Friday 18 January 2013 at 4:30pm. Project #1 is due Friday 8 February 2013 at 4:30pm, with project presentations at the lecture on Tuesday 19 February 2013.

Project #2 also has two options

A proposal (informal, by email) is required by Friday 15 February 2013 at 4:30pm. Project #2 is due Wednesday 13 March 2013 at 4:30pm, with project presentations at the final lecture on Thursday 14 March 2013.

Lecture Information

Notkin will be absent on Thursday 21 February 2013; there will be a guest lecturer. The following is subject to change.

Jan 8 & 10 Introduction Programs, Behaviors, Ambiguity
Jan 15 & 17 Complexity and Proofs of ADTs Electrifying Formal Methods
Jan 22 & 24 Symbolic Model Checking Classic Software Testing
Jan 29 & 31 Modern Issues in Testing Design A
Feb 5 & 7 Design B Aspect-Orientation Programming
Feb 12 & 14 Design Patterns Software Architecture
Feb 19 & 21 Project #1 presentations Notkin gone
Feb 26 & 28 TBA TBA
Mar 5 & 7 TBA TBA
Mar 12 & 14 TBA Project #2 presentations