CSE 503: Software Engineering: Program Analysis
Winter 2010
Meetings: MW 10:30-11:50, room MGH 238
Course topics
Homework submission dropbox
Mailing list: CSE503@cs
(To send mail to the list, you must send use your @u address, not a @cs,
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add your other address to the list of permitted senders.)
Introduction: Static and dynamic analysis
- Monday, January 4
Lecture 1:
Overview of topics,
Static and dynamic analysis
Abstract interpretation
- Monday, January 4
Assignment 1 (due Wednesday, January 6)
- Wednesday, January 6
"Abstract Interpretation: a semantics-based tool for program analysis", by
Neil Jones and Flemming Nielson. First two sections only.
- Monday, January 11
"Abstract interpretation: a unified lattice model for
static analysis of programs by construction or
approximation of fixpoints", by Patrick Cousot and Radhia
Cousot. POPL 1977. PDF
Dynamic analysis
- Wednesday, February 3
"Simplifying and isolating failure-inducing
input", by Andreas Zeller and Ralf Hildebrandt. TSE 2002.
- Wednesday, February 3
"DART: Directed automated random testing",
by Patrice Godefroid, Nils Klarlund, and Koushik Sen.
PLDI 2005.
- Monday, February 8
"Efficient path profiling", by Thomas Ball and James R. Larus.
- Monday, February 8
"Dynamically discovering likely program invariants to
support program evolution" by Michael D. Ernst, Jake Cockrell,
William G. Griswold, and David Notkin. TSE 2001.
Skim sections 5-8; read the rest more carefully.
Model checking
- Wednesday, February 10
- "The Model Checker SPIN"
by Gerard J. Holzmann.
IEEE TSE 23(5), 1997. PDF
- Wednesday, February 17
- "Using predicate abstraction to
reduce object-oriented programs for model checking"
by William Visser, SeungJoon Park, and John Penix.
Third Workshop on Formal Methods in Software Practice, 2000.
Presenters: Prasang Upadhyaya, Yingyi Bu
- Wednesday, February 17
- "Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement", by
Edmund Clarke, Orna Grumberg, Somesh Jha, Yuan Lu, and Helmut Veith.
CAV 2000. PDF
Presenters: Sai Zhang, Chris Hacking
- Monday, February 22
- "CMC: a pragmatic approach to model checking real code"
by Madanlal Musuvathi, David Y. W. Park, Andy Chou, Dawson R. Engler,
and David L. Dill. In OSDI 2002.
Presenters: Aditya Sankar, Sigurd Schneider
- Monday, February 22
- "Finding and Reproducing Heisenbugs in Concurrent Programs"
by Madanlal Musuvathi, Shaz Qadeer, Thomas Ball, Gerard Basler,
Piramanayagam Arumuga Nainar, and Iulian Neamtiu. OSDI 2008.
Presenters: Ivan Beschastnikh, Janara Christensen
- Wednesday, February 24
Wikipedia on
lambda calculus
"Principal type-schemes for functional programs",
by Luis Damas and Robin Milner, POPL 1982.
There is a typo in Algorithm W part (ii): on the second line, e2 and t2
should be e1 and t1. "e2" and "t2" are correct on third line.
Chapter 30 (book pages 273-283, which are pages 289-299 in the PDF) of Programming Languages:
Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi.
- Monday, March 1
"Lackwit: A Program Understanding Tool Based on Type Inference", by Robert
O'Callahan and Daniel Jackson. ICSE 1997.
Presenter: Gilbert Bernstein [Lecture Notes]
- Monday, March 1
"Dynamic inference of abstract types",
by Philip J. Guo, Jeff H. Perkins, Stephen McCamant, and Michael D. Ernst.
ISSTA 2006. Essentially the Lackwit
paper, implemented dynamically rather than statically.
Presenter: Joshua Goodwin [Lecture Slides]
- Monday, March 1
"Finding User/Kernel Pointer Bugs With Type Inference", by Robert
T. Johnson and David Wagner. USENIX Security, 2004.
Presenters: Michael Bayne, Reto Conconi [Lecture Slides]
Pointer analysis
- Wednesday, March 3
"Pointer Analysis: Haven't We Solved This Problem Yet?" In PASTE 2001.
- Wednesday, March 3
Derek Rayside's notes on points-to analysis
- Monday, March 8
"Points-to Analysis in Almost Linear Time", by Bjarne Steensgaard. In
POPL 1996.
PostScript, PDF
Presenters: Erik Andersen, Michael Ratanapintha [Lecture Slides]
- Monday, March 8
"Points-to Analysis by Type Inference of Programs with Structures and
Unions", by Bjarne Steensgaard. CC 1996. Significant overlap with
POPL 96 paper. Skim for differing material.
PostScript, PDF
Presenters: Slava Chernyak, Colin Gordon [Lecture Slides]
- Monday, March 8
"Strictly Declarative Specification of Sophisticated Points-to Analyses",
by Martin Bravenboer and Yannis Smaragdakis. OOPSLA 2009.
Presenters: Shiri Azenkot, Evan Herbst [Lecture Slides]
- Wednesday, March 10
- "Verification of object-oriented programs with invariants"
by Mike Barnett, Robert DeLine, Manuel Fahndrich, K. Rustan M. Leino,
and Wolfram Schulte. JOT, 2004.
Presenters: Saleema Amershi, Xiao Sophia Wang [Lecture Slides]