Initial Installation
- You'll need a modest amount of disk space (roughly 3MB per tree).
You can set up subdirectories under /projects/cecil11/501/students;
there is about 1.3 GB of free space on this partition, which should be
sufficient for the project. Or you can use your own disk space if you want.
- The initial distribution can be found in the file
/projects/cecil11/501/tiger.tar. cd to the directory where you want to
install tiger and use tar (tar xf /project/cecil11/501/tiger.tar) to
extract the source code.
- After extracting the initial version, you'll want to put the src
and testcases subdirectories under some form of source control. I'd
recommend using CVS, but do whatever you want.
- You'll need to modify the tops of .../tiger/src/makefile and
..../tiger/testcases/makefile to have the correct path information (or
set up the appropriate symlink from your home directory to make the
makefiles work as is).
Building Tiger
- You'll have to have a working Java development environment. Java
is installed on most of the platforms in the department, so hopefully
this won't be an issue.
- The makefiles rely on features of gmake (found in /uns/bin); on
most platforms vanilla make will not work.
- Typing 'gmake' in .../tiger/src will build the Tiger compiler.
The initial installation includes precompiled .class files.
- Typing 'gmake clean' in .../tiger/src removes all generated
.class, JLex, and JavaCUP files (do this if you want to ensure a
rebuild from scratch).
Running Tiger
The file .../tiger/testcases/makefile contains rules for using
Tiger to compiler .tig source files into .s files and for
compiling/linking the .s files into executables. You'll need to be a
little careful when using this makefile; compiling a .tig to a .s file
must be done on a machine which has java installed and compiling a .s
file into an executable must be done on a MIPS box, and apparently only
one that uses extended coff format (in this department only a few
obsolete DecStations, which appear to not have Java installed).
For example, here's a transcript of me building the queens executable
from the queens.tig source file. Tolt is a Sparc/Solaris box with
Java; truecod is a Mips/Ultrix box.
(tolt 14)% make queens.s
java -classpath :/homes/fish/grove/501/tiger/JavaCUP:/homes/fish/grove/501/tiger:/homes/fish/grove/501/tiger/classes:/usr/java/lib/ Main.Main queens.tig
(tolt 15)%
...<switch machines>...
(truecod 9)% make queens
gcc -o runtime.o -c runtime.c
gcc runtime.o queens.s -o queens
(truecod 10)% queens
O . . . . . . .
. . . . O . . .
. . . . . . . O
. . . . . O . .
. . O . . . . .
. . . . . . O .
. O . . . . . .
. . . O . . . .
...<lots more output>...
You can get a list of DecStations in the department by using 'hinfo |
grep DS'. It might be possible to get things to work on some of the
SGI's as well. Also there's a MIPS simulator, SPIM, which I haven't
got to work yet, but could probably get going with minimal effort if
it turns out that there aren't enough DecStation cycles available to
test the projects.