Automatically Generating User Interfaces for Mobile Devices and Universal Access
Jing Jing Long
We are headed toward a world of ubiquitous computing, in which we will be able to control myriad applications and appliances with a variety of devices: from phones and PDAs to computers and televisions. While realizing this vision may greatly improve productivity, there is a problem: who will create interfaces for all these applications on all these devices? The current solution for making an application accessible on multiple devices involves having a designer create a separate interface for each device. Furthermore, current approaches ignore individual differences (due to different usage patterns or physical abilities) among users. To alleviate this burden, I will present a system called SUPPLE which automatically generates personalized user interfaces for multiple devices using decision-theoretic optimization. I will start off with an overview of SUPPLE's general architecture and of the optimization process. I will follow with a description of my two contributions to the SUPPLE system:
- Extending it to render for mobile devices.
- Laying foundations for a toolkit that will allow users (in particular those with disabilities) to customize renderings to fit their needs.
Advised by Dan Weld
CSE 403
April 5, 2006
3:30 - 4:20 pm